Le 21/06/2012 18:18, Sukalp Bhople a écrit :
Thank you very much for the helpful response,

I searched for the terms you used in your reply and I found them in one of the function.

This function is
/static int RSA_eay_public_encrypt(int flen, const unsigned char *from,/
/    unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)/

You'll also find it in its "decrypt" counterpart.

I was wondering, if there is any check on e while verifying certificate chains? (For instance, client certificate verification at server side)

Why would you want a specific check on e? The check is done on the entire signature, with the entire key. Why e?

For example, if the certificate presented by client has very large public exponent then what happen?
How this e is stored? There should be some limit (data type BIGNUM) on it?
Is this right?

In a certificate, the element named subjectPublicKeyInfo is a SEQUENCE composed of 2 items, an algorithm identifier (also a SEQUENCE containing an OID and some parameters) and the subjectPublicKey. The latter is enclosed in a BITSTRING, and if it's an RSA key, it really contains a PKCS#1 encoded public key: a SEQUENCE containing 2 INTEGERS, modulus and public exponent. You can have any sized INTEGERS in here, and OpenSSL will parse them correctly. If the certificate has a very large public exponent, and a verification is performed, and the described limits are not overridden, there's no problem to expect. If you comment the limits in your own compiled library, there will still be no problem. You can get into a situation where a public RSA operation takes more time than a private one, if e is sufficiently large. But that's all.

On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Erwann Abalea <erwann.aba...@keynectis.com <mailto:erwann.aba...@keynectis.com>> wrote:

    The only limit check that I know is performed is if the modulus is
    strictly larger than OPENSSL_RSA_SMALL_MODULUS_BITS bits (3072 by
    default), then the public exponent must be less then or equal to
    OPENSSL_RSA_MAX_PUBEXP_BITS bits (64 by default).

    You can then have a 3072bits RSA key with a public exponent of any
    size. Or a 3073bits RSA key with a public exponent limited to 64bits.

    Other than for performance, I don't see any reason to limit the
    size of the public exponent.

    Le 21/06/2012 16:41, Sukalp Bhople a écrit :

        Hello guys,

        I was looking into the  (RSA) certificate verification in
        Openssl. I was wondering if Opensssl checks the size of the
        public exponent.
        Or what is the max public exponent accepted by server?

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