It tends to be a shortcoming of many, many types of software documentation
that it is feature-oriented rather than task-oriented. That is, it does a
good job of saying "this switch does this, that parm specfies that" and a
poor job of answering the question "I want to accomplish X. What the heck do
I do?" Examples are good, but they are not the only, and perhaps not the
best, way of presenting task-oriented documentation. (The trouble with an
example is one sometimes finds oneself asking "do I HAVE to do it that way,
or did that writer just CHOOSE to do it that way?")



[] On Behalf Of John Zavgren
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: I can't believe how much this sucks



You make very good suggestions. Of them all (aside from the use of tact in
approaching the developers :-) ), I think that easy-to-follow code examples
would improve the openSSL experience more than anything else you identify.
These examples could even provide a natural context for the "cookbook usage
examples", and then we'd achieve two of your objectives.


I can recall situations where I had to incorporate a cartographic
calculation in code I was writing, e.g., compute a signature, and was unable
to find any examples, and the man pages were a poor starting point. They are
good for learning the individual library procedures, but they aren't good
for pulling them together to create a working software module. (In fact,
when I needed to learn how to compute a signature, I downloaded the openVPN
source code and read it.)


So, what is a list of easy-to-follow code examples? Here are some

1.) read private key and a message from a file: encrypt message with private
key, write encrypted buffer to (another) file.

2.) read cert and private key, read file, compute signature, etc.

3.) read file, read signature, read ca certs, validate signature.

4.) Example 3 + check CRL.

5.) Example 3 + check with OCSP responder.


I'm sure there are a LOT of CA related examples that would help, because I
find the creation of a CA to be one of the more painful exercises.





On Sun, Nov 18, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Thomas J. Hruska
<> wrote:

On 11/13/2012 11:34 AM, Sanford Staab wrote:

I have been struggling with openssl for a few months now writing batch
scripts on windows trying to make a .net web client with a client
certificate work with 2-way ssl against an apache web server.

Do you guys just want to continue to answer questions on this alias and not
FIX the docs somewhat over time?  I could go into a litany of how much
information is just missing from the docs with INCOMPLETE everywhere.  (see
this link for one of the 900k+ hits on a google search of
"openssl+docs+suck" for how much hell you guys are putting people through
trying to figure out this tool)

openssl is used all over the world by tons of people (so I feel dumb having
problems here - but I know from Google I am not alone.) but it is just
unbelievable to me that the docs remain so terse and useless for so many

I have sent email to this alias previously asking how I can help with this.
It seems to me there should be an openssl docs forum where content from this
eventually finds its way into the online docs themselves.

A tool is only as good as people are able to use it.


The OpenSSL dev team consists of fairly old-school *NIX folks.  It is a
low-level library and certificate generation and manipulation tool that has
gained significant notoriety for its reliability, stability, and security.

The primary documentation is manpages.  This is an outdated method of
documenting software and, as I've found, the primary source of many
complaints.  In this regard, it is time to move on.  I can't remember the
last time I had to fire up 'man'.  I'm much more apt to just run a Google

Given my experience with end-users of this product, I've come to the
conclusion that there are three distinct forms of documentation needed for

- API documentation.  This is already fairly complete but hard to find
everything and needs someone to go over it and update it.  Areas that are
entirely missing need to be fleshed out.  It is also time to consider an
alternative format to the traditional manpage.

- Cookbook usage examples.  'openssl' command-line commands to accomplish
common tasks in a cookbook format.  I can point people to third-party sites
(madboa comes to mind).  However this sort of thing should really be on the
OpenSSL website.

- Complete, easy-to-follow code examples for a variety of common programming
tasks.  There are the test programs, but I view those more for testing the
library for consistency against itself than demonstration on how to code
against the library.  There's a difference.  The OpenSSL website should
always have the definitive collection in a copy-and-paste ready format.
Also, OpenSSL is used within a variety of programming languages.  Examples
and integration by language would be ideal.  Pick the top three to five
languages that cause the most churn on this list (C# comes to mind as #1).

It is approaching six months since the last OpenSSL update.  We're probably
due for a new set of source releases any time now.  So now is the ideal time
to talk it up about getting "better documentation" on the dev team's
schedule while they begin the planning stages of the next release.  If you
succeed at this, you'll be my hero of the month because I've been wanting
this for ages.  You might want to approach the devs though with a little
more respect/tact.  Saying the documentation "sucks" is a great way to get
ignored.  Their time is valuable.

Thomas Hruska
Shining Light Productions

Home of BMP2AVI and Win32 OpenSSL.

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No amount of believing makes something a fact. James Randi



John Zavgren
603-371-0513 (home)
603-801-2094 (cell)
johnzavgren (skype)
603-821-0904 (skype)


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