On Fri, Jan 25, 2013, T J wrote:

> >>>
> >>> It seems the path to the config file is hardcoded into the openssl
> >>> executable at compile time based on the install dir and the only way
> >>> to change it is by setting the environment variable OPENSSL_CONF. I
> >>> don't have that option.
> >>>
> >>> In my setup, I am installing openssl to a temp dir ($(SSLDIR)/base)
> >>> on a build machine and then copying it to the target machine
> >>> (/usr/bin). In my makefile I have:
> >>>
> >>>     ./Configure fips no-asm no-hw shared --prefix="/usr"
> >>> --openssldir="$(SSLDIR)/base" --with-fipsdir="$(SSLDIR)/fips"
> >>> $(CROSS) && \
> >>>     $(MAKE) && \
> >>>     $(MAKE) install_sw INSTALLTOP="$(SSLDIR)/base"
> >>>
> >>> but when I run openssl on the target I get this:
> >>>
> >>> # openssl
> >>> WARNING: can't open config file: <long path>/openssl.cnf
> >>> OpenSSL>
> >>>
> >>> The --prefix="/usr" switch tells openssl where to find the libs etc.
> >>> Is there a similar switch to tell it where to find the config file?
> >>> I tried export OPENSSL_CONF="/usr" before the Configure in my
> >>> makefile but it didn't do anything...
> >>>
> >Does that "<long path>" correspond to $(SSLDIR)/base?
> >
> >I'd suggest trying leaving everything pointing to where it should go on the
> >target system and using --install_prefix for the temp directory location or
> >doing make install_sw INSTALL_PREFIX=/some/path
> >location.
> OK, so now I have:
> ./Configure fips no-asm no-hw shared --install_prefix="$(SSLDIR)/base" 
> --prefix="/usr" --with-fipsdir="$(SSLDIR)/fips" $(CROSS) && \
> $(MAKE) && \
> $(MAKE) install_sw
> but when I run openssl on the target machine I still get the same warning 
> message.
> yes, <long path> == $(SSLDIR)/base.

OK, I just checked this a bit more closely.

You cen see where it expects to fine openssl.cnf by checking OPENSSLDIR in

If that isn't an appropriate location you can set --openssldir to the path to
the directory on the target system it should appear in.

Dr Stephen N. Henson. OpenSSL project core developer.
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