
I tried to figure out how to create a certification request which has an empty 
CN and only uses SANs, in line with the recommendations of the latest PKIX RFC 

I tried various permutations of commenting out distinguished_name, adding a CA 
section referencing a policy with commonName = optional, leaving the [dn] 
section present, with all entries commented, etc. and was not able to get it 
to work.

In every case I got back one or another variation of the classic error:

unable to find 'distinguished_name' in config
problems making Certificate Request
139965798016672:error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no 
value:conf_lib.c:335:group=req name=distinguished_name

Most people receiving this error are getting it because they had a missing 
openssl.cnf or left off the -config switch in the command. In my case it's 
obvious that's not the reason because the request works fine if the 
distinguished_name is not commented. This makes all of the standard help 
regarding the error message irrelevant to this particular case I'm 
encountering as well, of course.

Therefore I am asking for some help from the list, to understand if this part 
of the RFC is supported at all, and if it is supported, how I should be 
invoking the command to get the expected behavior. If it's documented already, 
and I missed it, I apologize in advance.

Matthew Hall


openssl req \
-new -config test-no-cn.cnf -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes \
-outform der -out test-no-cn.csr \
-keyout test-no-cn.key


default_bits       = 4096
prompt             = no
encrypt_key        = no
default_md         = sha256
#distinguished_name = dn
req_extensions    = req_ext

CN           = test.example.com
OU           = Test Certificate
O            = Test Company
L            = Test City
ST           = California
C            = US
emailAddress = t...@test.com

subjectAltName = DNS:test.example.com
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