Hi All,

I'm using openssl-fips-2.0.4 and openssl-1.0.1e. I'm working in an
Android environment with cross compilation. Both the FIPS Object
Module and FIPS Capable library built and installed without much

I'm trying to build a simple command line application which statically
links to the OpenSSL library (libcrypto.a). The application builds
fine from the command line, and calls FIPS_mode() and FIPS_mode_set()
(with some printf's) to exercise the OpenSSL library:

$ arm-linux-androideabi-gcc -Os -g2 --sysroot="$ANDROID_SYSROOT"
-I/usr/local/ssl/android-14/include fips-test.c -o fips-test.exe

Unfortunately, using legacy Incore (i.e., $FIPS_SIG -exe <my app>)
results in nothing. An MD5 sum before and after shows the fingerprint
was not written. The non-write can be traced back to incore, around
line 440:

    $fingerprint = FIPS_incore_fingerprint();
    if ($legacy_mode) {
        print unpack("H*",$fingerprint);
    } else {
        seek(FD,$FINGERPRINT_ascii_value->{st_offset},0) or die "$!";
        print FD unpack("H*",$fingerprint) or die "$!";

Trying to use the non-legacy support (by omitting -exe or -dso)
results in a Die on the lookup at line 385:

        = $exe->Lookup("FINGERPRINT_ascii_value") or die;

But I have the other required symbols (FIPS_text_endX and FIPS_text_startX):

$ arm-linux-androideabi-nm fips-test.exe | grep FIPS_text
00048844 T FIPS_text_end
0004883c t FIPS_text_endX
000095e8 T FIPS_text_start
000095e0 t FIPS_text_startX

How does one invoke the new support to ensure that incore writes the
fingerprint? What is the procedure to bring in the missing symbols (or
allocate storage for them)?

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