I'm using openSSL on a low-end embedded processor: an Intel Atom running at 
1.1Ghz.Using SSL divides down my transfer speed by two so I try to figure out 
how I can improve performance.
For information I'm using 1.0.1e release, recompiled for Win32 (my embedded 
system uses an XP embedded) with MSVC2010.I checked the compilation flags and 
all optimizations are there. I tried asm version and no-asm versions but no 
Still for information, SSL algorithms cipher suite is RSA (with 4096 bits key) 
for authentication, AES256 for transfer. I know that key length influences 
protocol negociation before the actual transfer, but I'm implementing a 
proprietary file transfer protocol over TCP that does not require continuous 
disconnect/reconnect phases: only one connection is enough therefore slowdown 
is rather due to data encryption rather than key exchange.
Do you have any advice, whether it can be related to compiler configuration, 
protocol choice for transmission, anything else than specific code tuning for 
Intel Atom ? Eventually that protocol will run also on ARM-based platforms so 
I'd rather avoid doing anything specific for a given architecture if I can 
avoid it...

Thanks in Advance

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