Hi Dave,

Thanks for your reply. I've attached a simple console app that attempts to 
import the key data into a .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider. Internally this class 
just sends it straight onto the Windows OS crypto library, which includes the 
checks that P and Q must have equal lengths. The code includes a 
ValidateParameters method that has the same checks that Windows internally uses 
to determine whether it is Bad Data or not. 

It would seem that your certificate test that you ran (and thank you very much 
for the time you took trying it out!) might have somehow bypassed the test of 
lengths. Whether that can somehow be leveraged in a .NET app and used for both 
encryption and authentication is (for me) the ultimate question.

Sent from Surface Pro

From: Dave Thompson
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎March‎ ‎21‎, ‎2014 ‎3‎:‎37‎ ‎PM
To: openssl-users@openssl.org

To be clear: it is conventional to generate P with a larger *value* than Q, AIR 
so that 

CRT qinv-modp works right. There are several ways to do this; openssl just 

two suitable primes and chooses the larger one as P. Your issue is that P has 

significant bits*, 257 instead of 256.


I don’t think this violates any standard and it works fine on my Windows (which 
is 7).

I took your privatekey, which is indeed PKCS#1, generated a (fake) cert, put 
them in a PKCS12,

which Windows imported okay and IE(9) was then able to use to authenticate to 

my test server (which trusts the fake cert). Where are you seeing the “Bad 


AIVR there is an attack on RSA if the two primes are *very* close (maybe 

like 256-bit primes within 2^64 or so). It’s conceivable that iOS went *way* 

in avoiding that weakness. AFAICS openssl doesn’t even check, apparently 
relying on 

the fact the primes chosen independently in 2^(n-1) to 2^n are overwhelming 

to be too close – probably less likely than your computer turning into cottage 

during the key generation process.


From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org [mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] 
On Behalf Of Andrew Arnott
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 01:32
To: openssl-users@openssl.org
Subject: *** Spam *** When P is larger than Q


I've noticed that iOS RSA keys (which I believe are generated using openssl 
underneath it all) are created with P larger than Q, which is posing a problem 
for me.


When I export the 512-bit private key from iOS, I get a PKCS#1 formatted key. 
When I decode that into RSAParameters, I see that P and Q are of unequal size 
(Q is 32 bytes and P is 33). This makes Windows reject it as Bad Data, since it 
is expecting both P and Q to be exactly half the length of the modulus. Note 
that the extra byte is not a leading (or trailing) zero. The first byte is a 1. 
And that 1 is significant. I verified that p*q=mod when p includes the leading 
1. So I’m a little dumbfounded that iOS would produce a key where p is longer 
than q, particularly since Windows seems to disallow that. Given this, I don’t 
know how to pass a private key from iOS to Windows.


I'm wondering whether P is supposed to be larger than Q, if there is something 
I can do to suppress that when generating keys, or if there's anything I can do 
to coerce them to be the same length later. I tried just padding Q with a 
leading 0, and then padding the modulus as well since it's supposed to be twice 
the length of P and Q, but that led to encryption that had leading zeros in the 
ciphertext and decryption failed.




Any ideas? One specific 512-bit key I generated as part of a test is below, 
with all the variables I decoded from it, in big endian. 


          * Raw private key data exported from iOS (believed to be PKCS#1 
format): MIIBOgIBAAJBALx0Z0O1n/2E+









           Exponent: AQAB


           P:        AZuouvylpJktbzSLFdAr1gLHvqeSDgjZR0Gr6Hm1oDCd

           DP:       Rhfh1tkBgM96qvCvwyVjqE+IiBHXb+xHNMhnqimh4AU=

           DQ:       LREgOlLjSr/q2YFO8MYKw+HmkEo00+8z7bMnslSVo50=

           Q:        dTHt32eGkYjiVT81BnM6D9pmX508VulYsBalYtbmlj8=

           InverseQ: 42HK1Pqscf2fecTgrtfHPcONih1fPMzoGbYLWOIasQw=

Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your 
right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Validation;

namespace ConsoleApplication3
    static class Program
         * Big Endian       4 3 2 1  RSAParameters; aka 'network byte order'
         * Little Endian    1 2 3 4  WINDOWS, .NET BigInteger
         * Raw private key data exported from iOS (believed to be PKCS#1 
           Exponent: AQAB
           P:        AZuouvylpJktbzSLFdAr1gLHvqeSDgjZR0Gr6Hm1oDCd
           DP:       Rhfh1tkBgM96qvCvwyVjqE+IiBHXb+xHNMhnqimh4AU=
           DQ:       LREgOlLjSr/q2YFO8MYKw+HmkEo00+8z7bMnslSVo50=
           Q:        dTHt32eGkYjiVT81BnM6D9pmX508VulYsBalYtbmlj8=
           InverseQ: 42HK1Pqscf2fecTgrtfHPcONih1fPMzoGbYLWOIasQw=

        /// <summary>
        /// Mains the specified arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var parameters = new RSAParameters
                Modulus = 
                Exponent = TrimLeadingZero(Convert.FromBase64String("AQAB")),
                D = 
                P = 
                DP = 
                DQ = 
                Q = 
                InverseQ = 

            //parameters.Modulus = 
EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.Modulus, parameters.P.Length * 2-1);
            //parameters.D = EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.D, 
            //parameters.DP = EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.DP, 
            //parameters.DQ = EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.DQ, 
            //parameters.Q = EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.Q, 
            //parameters.InverseQ = 
EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(parameters.InverseQ, parameters.P.Length);

            var p = FromBigEndian(parameters.P);
            var q = FromBigEndian(parameters.Q);
            var mod = p * q;
            if (mod == FromBigEndian(parameters.Modulus))
                Console.WriteLine("Looks good");


            var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(512);
            //var goodParameters = rsa.ExportParameters(true);

            var publicParameters = new RSAParameters
                Exponent = parameters.Exponent,
                Modulus = parameters.Modulus,


            byte[] ciphertext = rsa.Encrypt(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }, true);

            // This throws Bad Data, because P and Q have unequal significant 
            //var exportedParameters = rsa.ExportParameters(true);

            byte[] plaintext = rsa.Decrypt(ciphertext, true);


        private static void ValidateParameters(RSAParameters parameters)
            int cbHalfModulus = (parameters.Modulus.Length + 1) / 2;

            if (parameters.P.Length != cbHalfModulus ||
                parameters.Q.Length != cbHalfModulus ||
                parameters.DP.Length != cbHalfModulus ||
                parameters.DQ.Length != cbHalfModulus ||
                parameters.InverseQ.Length != cbHalfModulus ||
                parameters.D.Length != parameters.Modulus.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("Bad data");

        public static BigInteger FromBase64(string base64)
            byte[] p = Convert.FromBase64String(base64).Reverse().ToArray();
            return FromBigEndian(p);

        public static BigInteger FromBigEndian(byte[] input)
            byte[] p = new byte[input.Length];
            Array.Copy(input, p, input.Length);
            if (p[p.Length - 1] > 127)
                Array.Resize(ref p, p.Length + 1);
                p[p.Length - 1] = 0;
            return new BigInteger(p);

        /// <summary>
        /// Trims up to one leading byte from the start of a buffer if that 
byte is a 0x00
        /// without modifying the original buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">The buffer.</param>
        /// <returns>A buffer without a leading zero. It may be the same buffer 
as was provided if no leading zero was found.</returns>
        internal static byte[] TrimLeadingZero(byte[] buffer)
            if (buffer.Length > 0 && buffer[0] == 0)
                byte[] trimmed = new byte[buffer.Length - 1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 1, trimmed, 0, trimmed.Length);
                return trimmed;

            return buffer;

        internal static byte[] EnsureLengthByAddingLeadingZeros(byte[] buffer, 
int length)
            if (buffer.Length < length)
                byte[] larger = new byte[length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, larger, length - buffer.Length, 
                return larger;

            return buffer;

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