Thanks Dave. Where do you get the cert file to use as input?
On Mar 22, 2014 9:37 AM, "Dave Thompson" <> wrote:

> Note: a PKCS12 isn't really a cert, despite many people including MS
> miscalling it so, partly because there isn't a really good specific name -
> credential comes comes close but has a range of related meanings.
> It is an (almost always) encrypted private key, an optionally encrypted
> matching cert, and optionally other CA (chain and root) certs.
> In my case, I create my fake certs directly under a fake root and
> need no CA certs; you will rarely if ever see an entity cert directly
> under the root of a real/public/established CA.
> For this minimal case, creating a PKCS12 is just
>   openssl pkcs12 -in certfile.pem -inkey privkey.pem -export >p12file
> or since I have Unixoid (mingw) tools on my system
>   cat privkey.pem certfile.pem | openssl pkcs12 -export >p12file
> for more options.
> I load it from Explorer. Just name the file something.p12 and doubleclick
> (or Start), which runs rundll32 with cryptext.dll,CryptExtAddPFX
> (filepath)
> then go through the dialogs. I have no idea what API that uses, but I'd
> guess
> it's whatever MS recommended at the time it was released.
> FWIW I dug out my old XPSP3 box (not quite dead yet) and that does fail
> the import with "The private key ... is not supported by the targeted [CSP]".
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *
> *Sent:* Friday, March 21, 2014 21:03
> *To:*
> *Subject:* *** Spam *** Re: When P is larger than Q
> I'd like to try the PKCS12 idea. Can you tell me how you put this private
> key in a PKCS12 cert so I can see if I can adapt that to get this working
> in my .NET app?
> I tried generating dozens of 512 bit keys  in a row on iOS. Every time,
> the P was longer than the Q. It seems that iOS may be doing this
> intentionally.
> Sent from Surface Pro
> *From:* Andrew Arnott <>
> *Sent:* Friday, March 21, 2014 4:33 PM
> *To:*
> Hi Dave,
> Thanks for your reply. I've attached a simple console app that attempts to
> import the key data into a .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider. Internally this
> class just sends it straight onto the Windows OS crypto library, which
> includes the checks that P and Q must have equal lengths. The code includes
> a ValidateParameters method that has the same checks that Windows
> internally uses to determine whether it is Bad Data or not.
> It would seem that your certificate test that you ran (and thank you very
> much for the time you took trying it out!) might have somehow bypassed the
> test of lengths. Whether that can somehow be leveraged in a .NET app and
> used for both encryption and authentication is (for me) the ultimate
> question.
> Sent from Surface Pro
> *From:* Dave Thompson <>
> *Sent:* Friday, March 21, 2014 3:37 PM
> *To:*
> To be clear: it is conventional to generate P with a larger **value**
> than Q, AIR so that
> CRT qinv-modp works right. There are several ways to do this; openssl just
> generates
> two suitable primes and chooses the larger one as P. Your issue is that P
> has *more
> significant bits*, 257 instead of 256.
> I don't think this violates any standard and it works fine on my Windows
> (which is 7).
> I took your privatekey, which is indeed PKCS#1, generated a (fake) cert,
> put them in a PKCS12,
> which Windows imported okay and IE(9) was then able to use to authenticate
> to
> my test server (which trusts the fake cert). Where are you seeing the "Bad
> Data"?
> AIVR there is an attack on RSA if the two primes are **very* *close
> (maybe something
> like 256-bit primes within 2^64 or so). It's conceivable that iOS went *
> *way** overboard
> in avoiding that weakness. AFAICS openssl doesn't even check, apparently
> relying on
> the fact the primes chosen independently in 2^(n-1) to 2^n are
> overwhelming unlikely
> to be too close - probably less likely than your computer turning into
> cottage cheese
> during the key generation process.
> *From:* [
> <>] *On
> Behalf Of *Andrew Arnott
> *Sent:* Friday, March 21, 2014 01:32
> *To:*
> *Subject:* *** Spam *** When P is larger than Q
> I've noticed that iOS RSA keys (which I believe are generated using
> openssl underneath it all) are created with P larger than Q, which is
> posing a problem for me.
> When I export the 512-bit private key from iOS, I get a PKCS#1 formatted
> key. When I decode that into RSAParameters, I see that P and Q are of
> unequal size (Q is 32 bytes and P is 33). This makes Windows reject it as
> Bad Data, since it is expecting both P and Q to be exactly half the length
> of the modulus. Note that the extra byte is *not* a leading (or trailing)
> zero. The first byte is a 1. And that 1 is significant. I verified that
> p*q=mod when p includes the leading 1. So I'm a little dumbfounded that iOS
> would produce a key where p is longer than q, particularly since Windows
> seems to disallow that. Given this, I don't know how to pass a private key
> from iOS to Windows.
> I'm wondering whether P is supposed to be larger than Q, if there is
> something I can do to suppress that when generating keys, or if there's
> anything I can do to coerce them to be the same length later. I tried just
> padding Q with a leading 0, and then padding the modulus as well since it's
> supposed to be twice the length of P and Q, but that led to encryption that
> had leading zeros in the ciphertext and decryption failed.
> Thanks.
> Any ideas? One specific 512-bit key I generated as part of a test is
> below, with all the variables I decoded from it, in big endian.
>           * Raw private key data exported from iOS (believed to be PKCS#1
> format): MIIBOgIBAAJBALx0Z0O1n/2E+
> JdebracYthqCHn19KMCAwEAAQJBAKAgsFXCD+2UfFOWYK44keqJPJBfcybJgcR8QoSVk6V40MkwgAm
> jVn4cumCLZgxwJ+O5fbS/xmzeRSBz8gdPfrECIQGbqLr8paSZLW80ixXQK9YCx76nkg4I2UdBq+h5taAwn
> QIgdTHt32eGkYjiVT81BnM6D9pmX508VulYsBalYtbmlj8CIEYX4dbZAYDPeqrwr8MlY6hPiIgR12/sRzTIZ6
> opoeAFAiAtESA6UuNKv+rZgU7wxgrD4eaQSjTT7zPtsyeyVJWjnQIhAONhytT6rHH9n3nE4K7Xxz3DjYodX
> zzM6Bm2C1jiGrEM
>          *
>            Modulus:
> vHRnQ7Wf/YT4GjK3tQQhAPrbLwxBA8gskLYCC4e89+jwTlJwEE9rx0wIdVEJwoknzrwUl15utpxi2GoIefX0ow==
>            Exponent: AQAB
>            D:
> oCCwVcIP7ZR8U5ZgrjiR6ok8kF9zJsmBxHxChJWTpXjQyTCACaNWfhy6YItmDHAn47l9tL/GbN5FIHPyB09+sQ==
>            P:        AZuouvylpJktbzSLFdAr1gLHvqeSDgjZR0Gr6Hm1oDCd
>            DP:       Rhfh1tkBgM96qvCvwyVjqE+IiBHXb+xHNMhnqimh4AU=
>            DQ:       LREgOlLjSr/q2YFO8MYKw+HmkEo00+8z7bMnslSVo50=
>            Q:        dTHt32eGkYjiVT81BnM6D9pmX508VulYsBalYtbmlj8=
>            InverseQ: 42HK1Pqscf2fecTgrtfHPcONih1fPMzoGbYLWOIasQw=
> --
> Andrew Arnott
> "I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death
> your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

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