> From: owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org 
> [mailto:owner-openssl-us...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of Roberto Spadim
> Sent: Sunday, 13 April, 2014 13:53
> The problem isn't new features the problem is how to write tests that should 
> find security
> problems and tests to find bugs

A false dichotomy, as anyone with any significant experience in software 
development should recognize. Adding features increases the size of the code 
base and so increases the number of possible bug points; and due to 
combinatorial explosion, it greatly increases the number of cases to test.

As Steve Marquess pointed out, the issue is resources, plain and simple. Yes, 
in the specific case of Heartbleed, it would have helped to have rejected Robin 
Seggelmann's Heartbeat patch or review it more thoroughly. But other security 
issues are far more subtle and difficult to find by testing.

In retrospect, the bug in Seggelmann's code is obvious; I looked at the diff 
for that commit and spotted it in seconds. But this is an area I have 
experience with and so I'm accustomed to looking for input overruns in 
untrusted data - it's the sort of thing you have to get used to doing when 
writing Wireshark dissectors and the like. A similarly serious bug in another 
area could easily escape me, and the same goes for all code reviewers: we have 
classes of faults we've been trained to notice, and others we're blind to.

Steve's message, and his previous one about the no doubt temporary surge in 
donations, has prompted me to talk to my management again about an OSF support 
contract. I think this was raised years ago when we first started including 
OpenSSL, in a small way, with a couple of products; but paying money when it 
isn't required is often the sort of thing that falls by the wayside, even when 
everyone has good intentions.

Michael Wojcik
Technology Specialist, Micro Focus

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