> From: openssl-users [mailto:openssl-users-boun...@openssl.org] On Behalf Of 
> Michael Leone
> Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 10:32

> So we are mostly a MS Windows shop. But I use a Linux openssl as my root CA.
> What I am planning on doing, is creating a Windows intermediate CA, and using
> that to sign all my internal requests.

Terminological note: "Windows intermediate CA" isn't really a meaningful 
phrase. There's nothing OS-specific about a CA. What you're creating is a 
Windows-hosted implementation of your intermediate-CA functions. And, actually, 
what you're really creating is a Windows-hosted implementation of your CA's 
intermediate functions. (It's one CA, with one or more root signing 
certificates and one or more intermediate signing certificates, associated 
private keys, and other infrastructure such as issued-certificates database and 

There's nothing preventing someone from taking a Windows-hosted CA and moving 
it to some other platform, or vice versa, assuming the infrastructure data can 
be converted appropriately.

> I have the steps to install the certificate services in AD, and create an
> intermediate CA request. What I'm wondering is, do I sign that cert 
> differently
> than any normal cert? I don't see why I would. I mean, the request should
> specify that it wants to be a CA...

I suppose it depends on what you mean by "differently". Intermediate signing 
certificates are not the same as entity certificates, so you have to do 
*something* to tell the CA implementation what you're doing.

Differences include:
- Intermediate certificates are signed by the root (unless you have multiple 
layers of intermediates; let's ignore that possibility). Entity certificates 
are signed by an intermediate.
- Intermediate certificates will (should) have CA:TRUE in Basic Constraints; 
entity certificates will have CA:FALSE.
- Intermediate certificates will also generally have the critical and pathlen 
Basic Constraints.
- Intermediate certificates need digitalSignature, cRLSign, and keyCertSign in 
their Extended Key Usage. Entity certificates will typically have EKUs with 
digitalSignature and keyEncipherment (servers) or possibly those plus 
nonRepudiation (users).

So when signing an intermediate certificate you'll probably need to use a 
suitable extensions configuration section. You might be able to convince 
Windows to get all of those in the request, and copy_extensions=copy might copy 
all of them to the certificate, but I haven't tried that. My preference would 
be to enforce them at the CA end.

Here's the config section I use for my test intermediate certificate:

[ v3_intermediate_ca ]
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer
# pathlen:0 means these certs can only sign non-CA certs
basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, cRLSign, keyCertSign
nsComment = "TestCA Intermediate Certificate"
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash

(Note that my CA root certificate has pathlen:1 in its basicConstraints.)

Usual disclaimer: There are many people who know more about this stuff than I 
do, and I might well be violating some best practice or CA/BF rules (which you 
might or might not care about) or something.

> Am I correct in thinking that? I see many, many openssl examples, but
> they're all for creating an intermediate CA using openssl, which I'm not
> doing.

No, but you are generating and signing your intermediate CA certificate using 
OpenSSL, so that part of the process in the examples is likely relevant.

Now, that said: Microsoft likes to put some extensions of its own in 
certificate requests. It's been some years since I messed around with 
Microsoft's certificate services, so I don't remember details; but it's 
possible those extensions might be relevant to how the Windows implementation 
of the CA intermediate-signing functions works. So you might want to use 
openssl to see what extensions are in the CSR created by Windows, and whether 
they're in the certificate your CA issues.

Michael Wojcik

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