On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 4:19 PM Michael Wojcik
<michael.woj...@microfocus.com> wrote:
> > From: Michael Leone [mailto:tur...@mike-leone.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 12:35
> > Even though I used what might be the wrong terms, I'm sure you knew what I 
> > meant ...
> Sure. But PKIX, and X.509-based PKI more generally, are - not to mince words 
> - horrible. They're agonizingly complicated and confusing, and arguably 
> fundamentally broken in various respects. (See for example the issues raised 
> by the infamous "The OSI of a New Generation" presentation.)

I'm not sure how "infamous" it is, as I've never heard of it, even in
passing. :-)

> And here on the openssl-users list there are people with widely varying 
> experience with and understanding of these matters; and the list is archived 
> in various places, which means there's some chance someone will read these 
> notes years from now. Many of those people don't have the time to become 
> experts in PKI, and will want to be able to search for additional information 
> based on what they see here.

Yeah, that would be me. :-)

> So it's useful to try to be very precise in our terminology.

You're right, of course.
> Often, for example, the cognoscenti will refer to a certificate's "purpose". 
> That's an ambiguous term. In context it might refer to Basic Constraints, or 
> Key Usage, or Extended Key Usage, or even the old Netscape Cert Type; it 
> might refer to something inferred from other attributes (if Subject DN is the 
> same as Issuer DN, then it's self-signed and possibly a root); or it might 
> refer to something particular to its PKI or application, and not actually an 
> attribute of the certificate at all. That's fine when we all understand what 
> we're talking about. On the list, however, it's best to be explicit: "EKU 
> should include TSL Web Server Authentication for this type of certificate" 
> and so forth.
> For some readers, using "CA" and "certificate" interchangeably could be very 
> confusing.
> So I'm not being pedantic just for its own sake (I can yell at the television 
> for that). Apologies if it came across that way.

I get it. Sorry I snapped. No apologies needed on your side.


Mike. Leone, <mailto:tur...@mike-leone.com>

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