I spent a bunch of time working with and understanding Heat in H2, and I find 
myself with one overarching question which I wonder if anyone's thought about 
or even answered already...

At present, the CloudFormation template format is the first-class means of 
doing things in Heat. CloudFormation was created for Amazon, and Amazon has 
this massive convenience of having a (more or less) static list of images and 
flavors that they control. Therefore in CloudFormation everything is specified 
by a unique, specific name.

OpenStack doesn't have this luxury. We have as many image and flavor names as 
we have deployments. Now, there are simple answers...

  1. Name everything the way Amazon does, or
  2. Alter your templates.

But personally, I don't like either of these options. I think in the long term 
we win at platform/ecosystem by making it possible to take a template off the 
internet and having it work on *any* OpenStack cloud.

To get there, we need a system that chooses images based on metadata (platform, 
architecture, distro) and flavors based on actual minimum requirements.

Has anyone on the Heat team thought about this? Are there efforts in the works 
to alleviate this? Am I missing something obvious?

All the best,

    - Gabriel

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