Hi fellows,

Currently we're implementing the BP 
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/utilization-aware-scheduling. The 
main idea is to have an extensible plugin framework on nova-compute where every 
plugin can get different metrics(e.g. CPU utilization, memory cache 
utilization, network bandwidth, etc.) to store into the DB, and the 
nova-scheduler will use that data from DB for scheduling decision.

Currently we adds a new table to store all the metric data and have 
nova-scheduler join loads the new table with the compute_nodes table to get all 
the data(https://review.openstack.org/35759). Someone is concerning about the 
performance penalty of the join load operation when there are many metrics data 
stored in the DB for every single compute node. Don suggested adding a new 
column in the current compute_nodes table in DB, and put all metric data into a 
dictionary key/value format and store the json encoded string of the dictionary 
into that new column in DB. 

I'm just wondering which way has less performance impact, join load with a new 
table with quite a lot of rows, or json encode/decode a dictionary with a lot 
of key/value pairs?


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