On 07/19/2013 06:18 AM, Day, Phil wrote:
Ceilometer is a great project for taking metrics available in Nova and other 
systems and making them available for use by Operations, Billing, Monitoring, 
etc - and clearly we should try and avoid having multiple collectors of the 
same data.

But making the Nova scheduler dependent on Ceilometer seems to be the wrong way 
round to me - scheduling is such a fundamental operation that I want Nova to be 
self sufficient in this regard.   In particular I don't want the availability 
of my core compute platform to be constrained by the availability of my (still 
evolving) monitoring system.

If Ceilometer can be fed from the data used by the Nova scheduler then that's a 
good plus - but not the other way round.

I assume it would gracefully degrade to the existing static allocators if something went wrong. If not, well that would be very bad.

Ceilometer is an integrated project in Havana. Utilization based scheduling would be a new feature. I'm not sure why we think that duplicating the metrics collectors in new code would be less buggy than working with Ceilometer. Nova depends on external projects all the time.

If we have a concern about robustness here, we should be working as an overall project to address that.


Sean Dague

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