Gabriel Hurley wrote:
> It saddens me to say that for a mix of reasons I have decided to abdicate my 
> position as PTL for Horizon. If anything, the reasons are all good ones 
> overall, I just have to make the right decision for both myself and the 
> project.

I'm sorry to hear that ! That said, stepping down gracefully is a key
aspect of our meritocratic governance, and I'm delighted to see some new
community members rise to leadership positions.

> In the interim David Lyle will be the acting PTL. The Horizon core team has 
> all weighed in with their confidence in his abilities, and he has confirmed 
> his ability and interest in doing so. There will be a nomination period in 
> coming weeks to determine the PTL for the full release cycle, should anyone 
> else wish to run for the job as well. Thierry will announce more information 
> about that soon.

We'll be running new elections immediately. The electorate will be the
Foundation individual members that are also authors of changes for
Horizon over the last 12 months (from 2012-11-01 to 2013-10-31, 23:59 UTC).

Any member of that electorate can propose his/her candidacy for the
election. No nomination is required. They do so by sending an email to
the mailing-list, which the subject:
"Horizon PTL candidacy". The email can include a description of the
candidate platform.

The deadline for self-nomination is Friday, November 8, 23:59 UTC.
If more than one candidate is declared, elections will then be run over
the November 11 week.


Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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