During the freeze phase of Havana we got a ton of new contributors
coming on board to Tempest, which was super cool. However it meant we
had this new influx of negative tests (i.e. tests which push invalid
parameters looking for error codes) which made us realize that human
creation and review of negative tests really doesn't scale. David Kranz
is working on a generative model for this now.

So we're not going to take on new negative tests in Tempest. Stuff
that's in the queue, please review, but anything new that comes in after
today, please -1 or -2 from a review stand point, as we need to put
those on hold for a bit.

... with an exception.

One of the top goals that Mark McClain and I went into DS with was a
path towards putting Neutron on par with the other projects in the gate.
Salvatore believes that some additional negative testing will be really
helpful to the neutron team to do that.

So any tempest patch that has a +1 from a neutron core, consider it to
have an exception from the moratorium.


Sean Dague

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