Hi Jay,

I think Heat is an ingredient for Solum. When you build a PaaS, you
need to control the app at different levels:

#1 describing your app (basically your stack)
#2 Pushing your code
#3 Deploying it
#4 Controlling the runtime (restart, get logs, scale, changing
resources allocation, etc...)

I think Heat is a major component for step 3. But I think Heat's job
ends at the end of the deployment (the status of the stack is
"COMPLETED" in Heat after processing the template correctly). It's
nice though to rely on Heat's template generation for describing the
stack, it's one more thing to delegate to Heat.

In other words, I see Heat as an engine for deployment (at least in
the context of Solum) and have something on top to manage the other

- Sam

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So while I have been on vacation, I've been thinking about Solum and Heat.
> And I have some lingering questions in my mind that make me question whether
> a new server project is actually necessary at all, and whether we really
> should just be targeting innovation and resources towards the Heat project.
> What exactly is Solum's API going to control that is not already represented
> in Heat's API and the HOT templating language? At this point, I'm really not
> sure, and I'm hoping that we can discuss this important topic before going
> any further with Solum. Right now, I see so much overlap that I'm
> questioning where the differences really are.
> Thoughts?
> -jay
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