Great description of Heat vs. Solum!  This belongs in the FAQs of both
projects IMO.  This question is bound to keep coming up (for good

On Thu, Nov 14 2013, Angus Salkeld wrote:

> On 14/11/13 13:41 -0500, Jay Pipes wrote:
>>So while I have been on vacation, I've been thinking about Solum and Heat.
>> And I have some lingering questions in my mind that make me question
>> whether a new server project is actually necessary at all, and
>> whether we really should just be targeting innovation and resources
>> towards the Heat project.
>> What exactly is Solum's API going to control that is not already
>> represented in Heat's API and the HOT templating language? At this
>> point, I'm really not sure, and I'm hoping that we can discuss this
>> important topic before going any further with Solum. Right now, I
>> see so much overlap that I'm questioning where the differences
>> really are.
> I am very happy with how other projects have built on top
> of heat. I think one reason this happens is Heat is trying
> to focus on one main problem - Orchestrating restful resources.
> If we stick to this (and we are not overly opinionated) this
> fosters other projects to develop on top. If we were in
> a situation where Heat included solum's features it might
> hinder Heat's adoption for other usecases.
> To me solum brings an opionated view to the world where
> there is a specific way of creating/managing applications/services
> that may not appeal to everyone. Hopefully it will apeal
> to lots though! (just a particular user).
> One of Heat's main jobs is to make developing projects like solum,
> tuskar, tripleO, trove & xlcloud easier to implement.
> And these projects will encourage more exciting projects further
> up the stack. The further up the stack we go the more inovation
> we can inspire. It all starts with building reliable simple
> building blocks that can be easily used.
> -Angus
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