On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 6:18 PM, Ben Nemec <openst...@nemebean.com> wrote:
> On 06/09/2017 03:10 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:
>> History lesson: a long, long time ago we made a very big mistake. We
>> treated stack outputs as things that would be resolved dynamically when
>> you requested them, instead of having values fixed at the time the
>> template was created or updated. This makes performance of reading
>> outputs slow, especially for e.g. large stacks, because it requires
>> making ReST calls, and it can result in inconsistencies between Heat's
>> internal model of the world and what it actually outputs.
>> As unfortunate as this is, it's difficult to change the behaviour and be
>> certain that no existing users will get broken. For that reason, this
>> issue has never been addressed. Now is the time to address it.
>> Here's the tracker bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/heat/+bug/1660831
>> It turns out that the correct fix is to store the attributes of a
>> resource in the DB - this accounts for the fact that outputs may contain
>> attributes of multiple resources, and that these resources might get
>> updated at different times. It also solves a related consistency issue,
>> which is that during a stack update a resource that is not updated may
>> nevertheless report new attribute values, and thus cause things
>> downstream to be updated, or to fail, unexpectedly (e.g.
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1430753#c13).
>> The proposal[1] is to make this change in Pike for convergence stacks
>> only. This is to allow some warning for existing users who might be
>> relying on the current behaviour - at least if they control their own
>> cloud then they can opt to keep convergence disabled, and even once they
>> opt to enable it for new stacks they can keep using existing stacks in
>> legacy mode until they are ready to convert them to convergence or
>> replace them. In addition, it avoids the difficulty of trying to get
>> consistency out of the legacy path's crazy backup-stack shenanigans -
>> there's basically no way to get the outputs to behave in exactly the
>> same way in the legacy path as they will in convergence.
>> This topic was raised at the Forum, and there was some feedback that:
>> 1) There are users who require the old behaviour even after they move to
>> convergence.
>> 2) Specifically, there are users who don't have public API endpoints for
>> services other than Heat, and who rely on Heat proxying requests to
>> other services to get any information at all about their resources o.O
>> 3) There are users still using the legacy path (*cough*TripleO) that
>> want the performance benefits of quick output resolution.
>> The suggestion is that instead of tying the change to the convergence
>> flag, we should make it configurable by the user on a per-stack basis.
>> I am vehemently opposed to this suggestion.
>> It's a total cop-out to make the user decide. The existing behaviour is
>> clearly buggy and inconsistent. Users are not, and should not have to
>> be, sufficiently steeped in the inner workings of Heat to be able to
>> decide whether and when to subject themselves to random inconsistencies
>> and hope for the best. If we make the change the default then we'll
>> still break people, and if we don't we'll still be saying "OMG, you
>> forgot to enable the --not-suck option??!" 10 years from now.
>> Instead, this is what I'm proposing as the solution to the above feedback:
>> 1) The 'show' attribute of each resource will be marked CACHE_NONE[2].
>> This ensures that the live data is always available via this attribute.
>> 2) When showing a resource's attributes via the API (as opposed to
>> referencing them from within a template), always return live values.[3]
>> Since we only store the attribute values that are actually referenced in
>> the template anyway, we more or less have to do this if we want the
>> attributes output through this API to be consistent with each other.
>> 3) Move to convergence. Seriously, the memory and database usage are
>> much improved, and there are even more memory improvements in the
>> pipeline,[4] and they might even get merged in Pike as long as we don't
>> have to stop and reimplement the attribute storage patches that they
>> depend on. If TripleO were to move to convergence in Queens, which I
>> believe is 100% feasible, then it would get the performance improvements
>> at least as soon as it would if we tried to implement attribute storage
>> in the legacy path.
> I think we wanted to move to convergence anyway so I don't see a problem
> with this.  I know there was some discussion about starting to test with
> convergence in tripleo-ci, does anyone know what, if anything, happened with
> that?

There's an experimental job that runs only on the heat repo

But yeah now seems like a good time to get something running more
regularly in tripleo-ci.


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