Hi Akihiro,
While I understand the motivation to move these dashboards from
openstack/horizon, what is the reason to prefer a distinct repo for the
dashboard rather than hosting it in the main repo of these projects ?
(networking-bgpvpn has had a dashboard for some time already, it is
hosted under networking-bgpvpn/bgpvpn_dashboard and we haven't heard
about any drawback)
Akihiro Motoki :
Hi neutron and horizon teams (especially fwaas and vpnaas folks),
As we discussed so far, I prepared separate git repositories for FWaaS
and VPNaaS dashboards.
All new features will be implemented in the new repositories, for
example, FWaaS v2 support.
The initial core members consist of neutron-fwaas/vpnaas-core
(respectively) + horizon-core.
There are several things to do to complete the split out.
I gathered a list of work items at the etherpad and we will track the
progress here.
If you are interested in helping the efforts, sign up on the etherpad
or contact me.
I would like to release the initial release which is compatible with
the current horizon
FWaaS/VPNaaS dashboard (with no new features).
I hope we can release it around R-8 week (Jul 3) or R-7 (Jul 10).
It also will be good examples for neutron stadium/related projects
which are interested in
adding dashboard support. AFAIK, networking-sfc, tap-as-a-service are
interested in it.
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