On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 5:45 AM, Flavio Percoco <fla...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Some of you, TC candidates, expressed concerns about diversity and
> inclusiveness (or inclusivity, depending on your taste) in your candidacy. I 
> believe this
> is a broad, and some times ill-used, topic so, I'd like to know, from y'all, 
> how
> you think we could make our community more inclusive. What areas would you
> improve first?

Some rough ideas, that can be discussed as a community:

- Force changes in leadership roles: I'm believe in rotations when
that makes sense. We could think at some policy to not being at TC
more than 2 cycles in a row (can re-apply after one cycle break). Same
for PTL? (not sure on this one, some projects don't have much
volunteers do run this position). But you get the idea.
(some could ask why I didn't propose that during my TC mandate, it
just popup in my mind by writing this email).

- Keep encouraging asynchronous collaboration: dropping the TC meeting
(and adding office hours) was a good example of how we can now have
TC-related discussions around the globe without having to stay until
late in the evening. I would like to encourage other projects to look
at this concept. Hopefully we can get more contributors from around
the globe and not just in US-friendly timezone.

- Ensure projects growth: the number of core reviewers for some
projects is imho alarming. Lack of reviewers? Lack of trust? Here are
some number of the Top 5 projects (# of reviews in Pike, source

#1 Nova - 12 cores
#2 Infra - 13 cores (core, not root)
#3 Cinder - 15 cores
#4 Neutron - 13 cores (not counting all plugins repos, but numbers
look good, probably thanks to the stadium)
#5 TripleO - 32
(and we can continue)

What TC can do? promote more mentoring, establish healthy policies to
promote cores in projects, by defining as a community the metrics
used, etc.

Anyway, these things are (again) rough ideas, that we can be discussed
here or somewhere else but I strongly believe we need people at TC who
can, by their experience and motivation, make our community growing in
healthy and diverse ways.
Emilien Macchi

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