On 8 March 2018 at 18:16, Jay S Bryant <jungleb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Cinder has been doing this for many years and it has worked relatively well.
> It requires a good remote speaker and it also requires the people in the
> room to be sensitive to the needs of those who are remote.  I.E. planning
> topics at a time appropriate for the remote attendees, ensuring everyone
> speaks up, etc.  If everyone, however, works to be inclusive with remote
> participants  it works well.

Having been both in the room and on the phone, I'd have to say it was
better than nothing but a long way from 'working well'.
There's definitely a huge imbalance between being in the room and able
to follow everything, and being on the phone, where you have to ask
for people to repeat things (if you even know something was said to
ask for the repeat), speak up, stop talking over other people, etc. It
always feels like a very second-class position to me.

Duncan Thomas

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