
Remember Boston's Summit presentation [1] about GraphQL [2] and how it addresses REST limitations. I wonder if any project has been thinking about using GraphQL. I haven't find any mention or pointers about it.

GraphQL takes a complete different approach compared to REST. So we can finally forget about REST API Description languages (OpenAPI/Swagger/WSDL/WADL/JSON-API/ETC) and HATEOS (the hypermedia approach which doesn't describe how to use it).

So, once passed the point where 'REST vs GraphQL' is like comparing SQL and no-SQL DBMS and therefore have different applications, there are no doubt the complexity of most OpenStack projects are good candidates for GraphQL.

Besides topics such as efficiency, decoupling, no version management need there many other powerful features such as API Schema out of the box and better automation down that track.

It looks like the dream of a conduit between API services and consumers might have finally come true so we could move-on an worry about other things.

So has anyone already starting looking into it?

[1] https://www.openstack.org/videos/boston-2017/building-modern-apis-with-graphql
[2] http://graphql.org

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