Excerpts from Jay S Bryant's message of 2018-06-11 11:42:52 -0500:
> On 6/11/2018 11:17 AM, CARVER, PAUL wrote:
> > Jumping into the general Storyboard topic, but distinct from the previous 
> > questions about searching, is there any equivalent in Storyboard to the 
> > Launchpad series and milestones diagrams? e.g.:
> >
> > https://launchpad.net/nova/+series
> > https://launchpad.net/neutron/+series
> > https://launchpad.net/cinder/+series
> > https://launchpad.net/networking-sfc/+series
> > https://launchpad.net/bgpvpn/+series
> >
> > As I understand from what I've read and seen on summit talk recordings, 
> > anyone can create any view of the data they please and they can share their 
> > personalized view with whomever they want, but that is basically the 
> > complete opposite of standardization. Does Storyboard have any plans to 
> > provide any standard views that are consistent across projects? Or is it 
> > focused solely on the "in club" who know what dashboard views are custom to 
> > each project?
> Paul, this is actually one of the big concerns I have with the move to 
> Storyboard is the fact that there is no longer standardization across 
> projects.  When I asked about this it was noted that it would be 
> important for Cinder to document how we use Storyboard so people can 
> refer to the documentation and know how to use it.  This, however, seems 
> needlessly complicated. Would have expected how to use Storyboard was 
> going to be used to be documented/recommended before hand.

I'm not sure what sort of project-specific documentation we think we

Each project team can set up its own board or worklist for a given
series. The "documentation" just needs to point to that thing, right?

Each team may also decide to use a set of tags, and those would need to
be documented, but that's no different from launchpad.

> > For anyone trying to follow multiple projects at a strategic level (i.e. 
> > not down in the weeds day to day, but checking in weekly or monthly) to see 
> > what's planned, what's deferred, and what's completed for either upcoming 
> > milestones or looking back to see if something did or did not get finished, 
> > a consistent cross-project UI of some kind is essential.
> Agreed.  Wonder if at the next midcycle it would be worth having a cross 
> project discussion to try and create some consistency.  That, however, 
> would require buy-in from at least the core projects.

Why? If we have a large number of projects who agree to use the tool a
certain way, that seems good, regardless of whether any specific teams
are included in the group. Let the outliers document their processes, if
they end up being significantly different.

> > For example, with virtually no insider involvement with Nova, I was able to 
> > locate this view of what's going on for the Rocky series: 
> > https://launchpad.net/nova/rocky
> > How would I locate that same information for a project in Storyboard 
> > without constructing my own custom worklist or finding an insider to share 
> > their worklist with me?
> >

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