Jeremy Stanley <> wrote:

>I'm just going to come out and call bullshit on this one. How many of the >800 
>official OpenStack deliverable repos have a view like that with any actual 
>relevant detail? If it's "standard" then certainly more than half, right?

Well, that's a bit rude, so I'm not going to get in a swearing contest over 
whether Nova, Neutron and Cinder are more "important" than 800+ other projects. 
I picked a handful of projects that I'm most interested in and which also 
happened to have really clear, accessible and easy to understand information on 
what they have delivered in the past and are planning to deliver in the future. 
If I slighted your favorite projects I apologize.

So, are you saying the information shown in the examples I gave is not useful?

Or just that I've been lucky in the past that the projects I'm most interested 
in do a better than typical job of managing releases but the future is all 

If you're saying it's not useful info and we're better off without it then I'll 
just have to disagree. If you're saying that it has been replaced with 
something better, please share the URLs.

I'm all for improvements, but saying "only a few people were doing something 
useful so we should throw it out and nobody do it" isn't a path to improvement. 
How about we discuss alternate (e.g. better/easier/whatever) ways of making the 
information available.

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