The trove team had our weekly meeting last night, all attended core members
and the new contributors from Samsung R&D Center in Krakow, Poland were
agreed on that we only have Dariusz Krol as an PTL candidate and hope he
could be accepted as a valid candidate [1].

Tony has pointed to me that the process for appointing PTL for leaderlesss
projects, thanks.

I talked about the situation about the current Trove team before([2] and
privately responded which resulted to a report as [3] to the TC project
healthy checking mail). I thought about continuing my role as the Trove
PTL, but it turns out it's better to have someone who could take more time
on the project, and happend that we just have a whole team joining us. I
think all of the current active team members will continue working on the
project, but it's sad none of us has much bandwith on the project now, so
we think it could be a good chance for the project to progress(though maybe
quite slowly ) to a whole team focusing on Trove.

There're always worries about the healthty about Trove and talks about
rearchitecturing, the project team has also been discussed these topics
many times internally, however it seems impossible for the time and
forseable future, until we have a bigger core team and more participation.
We all think there will be more opportunites to change this situation with
the join of a whole team(though it's may be small now) focusing on Trove.

Would love to hear more suggestions and participtions from whom are
interested in Trove.





On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 8:32 AM, Tony Breeds <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 01, 2018 at 09:55:13AM +1000, Tony Breeds wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >     The PTL Nomination period is now over. The official candidate list
> > is available on the election website[0].
> >
> > There are 8 projects without candidates, so according to this
> > resolution[1], the TC will have to decide how the following
> > projects will proceed: Dragonflow, Freezer, Loci, Packaging_Rpm,
> > RefStack, Searchlight, Trove and Winstackers.
> Hello TC,
>     A few extra details[1]:
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Projects[1]               :    65
> Projects with candidates  :    57 ( 87.69%)
> Projects with election    :     2 (  3.08%)
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Need election             : 2 (Senlin Tacker)
> Need appointment          : 8 (Dragonflow Freezer Loci Packaging_Rpm
> RefStack
>                                Searchlight Trove Winstackers)
> ===================================================
> Stats gathered            @ 2018-08-01 00:11:59 UTC
> Of the 8 projects that can be considered leaderless, Trove did have a
> candidate[2] that doesn't meet the ATC criteria in that they do not
> have a merged change.
> I also excluded Security due to the governance review[3] to remove it as
> a project and the companion email discussion[4]
> Yours Tony.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> July/132595.html
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