Hi Doug,

Answers inline again.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 3:16 AM, Ildikó Váncsa 
<ildiko.van...@ericsson.com<mailto:ildiko.van...@ericsson.com>> wrote:

I've started to work on the idea of supporting a kind of tenant/project based 
configuration for Ceilometer. Unfortunately I haven't reached the point of 
having a blueprint that could be registered until now. I do not have a deep 
knowledge about the collector and compute agent services, but this feature 
would require some deep changes for sure. Currently there are pipelines for 
data collection and transformation, where the counters can be specified, about 
which data should be collected and also the time interval for data collection 
and so on. These pipelines can be configured now globally in the pipeline.yaml 
file, which is stored right next to the Ceilometer configuration files.

Yes, the data collection was designed to be configured and controlled by the 
deployer, not the tenant. What benefits do we gain by giving that control to 
the tenant?

ildikov: Sorry, my explanation was not clear. I meant there the configuration 
of data collection for projects, what was mentioned by Tim Bell in a previous 
email. This would mean that the project administrator is able to create a data 
collection configuration for his/her own project, which will not affect the 
other project's configuration. The tenant would be able to specify meters 
(enabled/disable based on which ones are needed) for the given project also 
with project specific time intervals, etc.

OK, I think some of the confusion is terminology. Who is a "project 
administrator"? Is that someone with access to change ceilometer's 
configuration file directly? Someone with a particular role using the API? Or 
something else?

ildikov: As project administrator I meant a user with particular role, a user 
assigned to a tenant.

In my view, we could keep the dynamic meter configuration bp with considering 
to extend it to dynamic configuration of Ceilometer, not just the meters and we 
could have a separate bp for the project based configuration of meters.

Ceilometer uses oslo.config, just like all of the rest of OpenStack. How are 
the needs for dynamic configuration updates in ceilometer different from the 
other services?

ildikov: There are some parameters in the configuration file of Ceilometer, 
like log options and notification types, which would be good to be able to 
configure them dynamically. I just wanted to reflect to that need. As I see, 
there are two options here. The first one is to identify the group of the 
dynamically modifiable parameters and move them to the API level. The other 
option could be to make some modifications in oslo.config too, so other 
services also could use the benefits of dynamic configuration. For example the 
log settings could be a good candidate, as for example the change of log 
levels, without service restart, in case debugging the system can be a useful 
feature for all of the OpenStack services.

I "misspoke" earlier. If we're talking about meters, those are actually defined 
by the pipeline file (not oslo.config). So if we do want that file re-read 
automatically, we can implement that within ceilometer itself, though I'm still 
reluctant to say we want to provide API access for modifying those settings. 
That's *really* not something we've designed the rest of the system to 
accommodate, so I don't know what side-effects we might introduce.

ildikov: In case of oslo.config, I meant the ceilometer.conf file in my answer 
above, not pipeline.yaml. As for the API part, I do not know the consequences 
of that implementation either, so now I'm kind of waiting for the outcome of 
this Dynamic Meters bp.

As far as the other configuration settings, we had the conversation about 
updating those through some sort of API early on, and decided that there are 
already lots of operational tools out there to manage changes to those files. I 
would need to see a list of which options people would want to have changed 
through an API to comment further.

ildikov: Yes, I agree that not all the parameters should be configured 
dynamically. It just popped into my mind regarding the dynamic configuration, 
that there would be a need to configure other configuration parameters, not 
just meters, that is why I mentioned it as a considerable item.



If it is ok for you, I will register the bp for this per-project tenant 
settings with some details, when I'm finished with the initial design of how 
this feature could work.

Best Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Neal, Phil [mailto:phil.n...@hp.com<mailto:phil.n...@hp.com>]
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 11:50 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Dynamic Meters in Ceilometer

For multi-node deployments, implementing something like inotify would allow 
administrators to push configuration changes out to multiple targets using 
puppet/chef/etc. and have the daemons pick it up without restart. Thumbs up to 

As Tim Bell suggested, API-based enabling/disabling would allow users to update 
meters via script, but then there's the question of how to work out the global 
vs. per-project tenant settings...right now we collect specified meters for all 
available projects, and the API returns whatever data is stored minus filtered 
values. Maybe I'm missing something in the suggestion, but turning off 
collection for an individual project seems like it'd require some deep changes.

Vijay, I'll repeat dhellmann's request: do you have more detail in another doc? 

-       Phil

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo)
> [mailto:vijayakumar.kodam....@nsn.com<mailto:vijayakumar.kodam....@nsn.com>]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 2:49 AM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Cc: chmo...@enovance.com<mailto:chmo...@enovance.com>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Dynamic Meters in Ceilometer
> From: ext Chmouel Boudjnah 
> [mailto:chmo...@enovance.com<mailto:chmo...@enovance.com>]
> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 2:19 PM
> To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ceilometer] Dynamic Meters in Ceilometer
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 12:52 PM, Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata
> Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo) 
> <vijayakumar.kodam....@nsn.com<mailto:vijayakumar.kodam....@nsn.com>> wrote:
> In this case, simply changing the meter properties in a configuration
> file should be enough. There should be an inotify signal which shall
> notify ceilometer of the changes in the config file. Then ceilometer
> should automatically update the meters without restarting.
> Why it cannot be something configured by the admin with inotifywait(1)
> command?
> Or this can be an API call for enabling/disabling meters which could
> be more useful without having to change the config files.
> Chmouel.
> I haven't tried inotifywait() in this implementation. I need to check
> if it will be useful for the current implementation.
> Yes. API call could be more useful than changing the config files manually.
> Thanks,
> VijayKumar

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        • Re: ... Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo)
          • ... Neal, Phil
            • ... Ildikó Váncsa
              • ... Doug Hellmann
              • ... Ildikó Váncsa
              • ... Julien Danjou
              • ... Ildikó Váncsa
              • ... Julien Danjou
              • ... Ildikó Váncsa
              • ... Doug Hellmann
              • ... Ildikó Váncsa
              • ... Doug Hellmann
              • ... Tim Bell
              • ... Doug Hellmann
              • ... Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo)
              • ... Doug Hellmann
              • ... Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo)
              • ... Ildikó Váncsa
            • ... Kodam, Vijayakumar (EXT-Tata Consultancy Ser - FI/Espoo)
              • ... Julien Danjou
  • Re: [openstack-de... Doug Hellmann

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