So a couple of things about this:

1) Today (and also true for Grizzly and Havana), the user can chose what LDAP 
attribute should be returned as the user or group ID.  So it is NOT a safe 
assumption today (ignoring any support for domain-specific LDAP support) that 
the format of a user or group ID is a 32 char UUID.  Quite often, I would 
think, that email address would be chosen by a cloud provider as the LDAP id 
field, by default we use the CN.  Since we really don't want to ever change the 
user or group ID we have given out from keystone for a particular entity, this 
means we need to update nova (or anything else) that has made a 32 char 
2) In oder to support the ability for service providers to be able to have the 
identity part of keystone be satisfied by a customer LDAP (i.e. for a given 
domain, have a specific LDAP), then, as has been stated, we need to 
subsequently, when handed an API call with just a user or group ID, be able to 
"route" this call to the correct LDAP.  Trying to keep true to the openstack 
design principles, we had planned to encode a domain identifier into the user 
or group ID - i.e. distribute the data to where it is needed, in ortherwords, 
the user and group ID provide all the info we need to route the call to the 
right place. Two implementations come to mind:
2a) Simply concatenate the user/group ID with the domain_id, plus some 
separator and make a composite public facing ID.  e.g. 
"user_entity_id@@UUID_of_domain".  This would have a technical maximum size of 
64+2+64 (i.e. 130), although in reality since we control domain_id and we know 
it is always 32 char UUID - in fact the max size would be 98.  This has the 
problem of increasing the size of the public facing field beyond the existing 
64.  This is what we had planned for IceHouse - and is currently in review.
2b) Use a similar concatenation idea as 2a), but limit the total size to the 
existing 64. Since we control domain_id, we could (internally and not visibly 
to the outside world), create a domain_index, that was used in place of 
domain_id in the publicly visible field, to minimize the number of chars it 
requires.  So the public facing composite ID might be something like <up to 54 
chars of entity_id>@@<8 chars of domain_index>.  There is a chance, of course, 
that  the 54 char restriction might be problematic for LDAP users....but I 
doubt it.  We would make that a restriction and if it really became a problem, 
we could consider a field size increase at a later release
3) The alternative to 2a and 2b is to have, as had been suggested, an internal 
mapping table that maps external facing entity_ids to a domain plus local 
entity ID.  The problem with this idea is that:
- This could become a very big table (you will essentially have an entry for 
every user in every corporate LDAP that has accessed a given openstack)
- Since most LDAPs are RO, we will never see we won't know when 
(without some kind of garbage collection) to cull entries
- It obviously does not solve 1) - since existing LDAP support can break the 32 
char limit - and so it isn't true that this mapping table causes all public 
facing entity IDs to be simple 32 char UUIDs

From a delivery into IceHouse point of view any of the above are possible, 
since the actual mapping used is relatively small part of the patch.  I 
personally favor 2b), since it is simple, has "less moving parts" and does not 
change any external facing requirements for storage of user and group IDs 
(above and beyond what is true today).

On 27 Feb 2014, at 03:46, Adam Young <> wrote:

> On 02/26/2014 08:25 AM, Dolph Mathews wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Jay Pipes <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 2014-02-25 at 11:47 -0800, Morgan Fainberg wrote:
>> > For purposes of supporting multiple backends for Identity (multiple
>> > LDAP, mix of LDAP and SQL, federation, etc) Keystone is planning to
>> > increase the maximum size of the USER_ID field from an upper limit of
>> > 64 to an upper limit of 255. This change would not impact any
>> > currently assigned USER_IDs (they would remain in the old simple UUID
>> > format), however, new USER_IDs would be increased to include the IDP
>> > identifier (e.g. USER_ID@@IDP_IDENTIFIER).
>> -1
>> I think a better solution would be to have a simple translation table
>> only in Keystone that would store this longer identifier (for folks
>> using federation and/or LDAP) along with the Keystone user UUID that is
>> used in foreign key relations and other mapping tables through Keystone
>> and other projects.
>> Morgan and I talked this suggestion through last night and agreed it's 
>> probably the best approach, and has the benefit of zero impact on other 
>> services, which is something we're obviously trying to avoid. I imagine it 
>> could be as simple as a user_id to domain_id lookup table. All we really 
>> care about is "given a globally unique user ID, which identity backend is 
>> the user from?"
>> On the downside, it would likely become bloated with unused ephemeral user 
>> IDs, so we'll need enough metadata about the mapping to implement a purging 
>> behavior down the line.
> UUIDs are 32 chars long.  Its really just uuid@@uuid that pushes us over the 
> 64 character limit.  
> If we can shorten up the IDP_ID we can fit everything in 64 chars (which 
> means only Nova needs to expand its column size)
> What if we enumerated IDPs by index, from 10000000 to 99999999 or something 
> comparable, and then use the new domain_index (or prot domain id to not be a 
> uuid).  Then the above scheme would work and no migration would be required.
>> The only identifiers that would ever be communicated to any non-Keystone
>> OpenStack endpoint would be the UUID user and tenant IDs.
>> > There is the obvious concern that projects are utilizing (and storing)
>> > the user_id in a field that cannot accommodate the increased upper
>> > limit. Before this change is merged in, it is important for the
>> > Keystone team to understand if there are any places that would be
>> > overflowed by the increased size.
>> I would go so far as to say the user_id and tenant_id fields should be
>> *reduced* in size to a fixed 16-char BINARY or 32-char CHAR field for
>> performance reasons. Lengthening commonly-used and frequently-joined
>> identifier fields is not a good option, IMO.
>> Best,
>> -jay
>> > The review that would implement this change in size
>> > is and is actively being worked
>> > on/reviewed.
>> >
>> >
>> > I have already spoken with the Nova team, and a single instance has
>> > been identified that would require a migration (that will have a fix
>> > proposed for the I3 timeline).
>> >
>> >
>> > If there are any other known locations that would have issues with an
>> > increased USER_ID size, or any concerns with this change to USER_ID
>> > format, please respond so that the issues/concerns can be addressed.
>> >  Again, the plan is not to change current USER_IDs but that new ones
>> > could be up to 255 characters in length.
>> >
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > Morgan Fainberg
>> > —
>> > Morgan Fainberg
>> > Principal Software Engineer
>> > Core Developer, Keystone
>> >
>> >
>> >
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