
I think that a set of community values for OpenStack would be a terrific asset. 
I refer to values constantly as a way to align my efforts with the needs of my 
company. I'd love to have the same tools for my contributions to community 
efforts as well.


On Mar 7, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Kurt Griffiths 
<kurt.griffi...@rackspace.com<mailto:kurt.griffi...@rackspace.com>> wrote:


I’m sure that I’m not the first person to bring this up, but I’d like to get 
everyone’s thoughts on what concrete actions we, as a community, can take to 
improve the status quo.

There have been a variety of instances where community members have expressed 
their ideas and concerns via email or at a summit, or simply submitted a patch 
that perhaps challenges someone’s opinion of The Right Way to Do It, and 
responses to that person have been far less constructive than they could have 
been[1]. In an open community, I don’t expect every person who comments on a ML 
post or a patch to be congenial, but I do expect community leaders to lead by 
example when it comes to creating an environment where every person’s voice is 
valued and respected.

What if every time someone shared an idea, they could do so without fear of 
backlash and bullying? What if people could raise their concerns without being 
summarily dismissed? What if “seeking first to understand”[2] were a core value 
in our culture? It would not only accelerate our pace of innovation, but also 
help us better understand the needs of our cloud users, helping ensure we 
aren’t just building OpenStack in the right way, but also building the right 

We need open minds to build an open cloud.

Many times, we do have wonderful, constructive discussions, but the times we 
don’t cause wounds in the community that take a long time to heal. 
Psychologists tell us that it takes a lot of good experiences to make up for 
one bad one. I will be the first to admit I’m not perfect. Communication is 
hard. But I’m convinced we can do better. We must do better.

How can we build on what is already working, and make the bad experiences as 
rare as possible?

A few ideas to seed the discussion:

  *   Identify a set of core values that the community already embraces for the 
most part, and put them down “on paper.”[3] Leaders can keep these values fresh 
in everyone’s minds by (1) leading by example, and (2) referring to them 
regularly in conversations and talks.
  *   PTLs can add mentoring skills and a mindset of "seeking first to 
understand” to their list of criteria for evaluating proposals to add a 
community member to a core team.
  *   Get people together in person, early and often. Mid-cycle meetups and 
mini-summits provide much higher-resolution communication channels than email 
and IRC, and are great ways to clear up misunderstandings, build relationships 
of trust, and generally get everyone pulling in the same direction.

What else can we do?


[1] There are plenty of examples, going back years. Anyone who has been in the 
community very long will be able to recall some to mind. Recent ones I thought 
of include Barbican’s initial request for incubation on the ML, dismissive and 
disrespectful exchanges in some of the design sessions in Hong Kong (bordering 
on personal attacks), and the occasional “WTF?! This is the dumbest idea ever!” 
patch comment.
[2] https://www.stephencovey.com/7habits/7habits-habit5.php
[3] We already have a code of 
conduct<https://www.openstack.org/legal/community-code-of-conduct/> but I think 
a list of core values would be easier to remember and allude to in day-to-day 
discussions. I’m trying to think of ways to make this idea practical. We need 
to stand up for our values, not just say we have them.
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