Alternatively we can meet in the design area which seems like a better
location anyway.


On 5/9/14 3:33 PM, "Sandhya Dasu (sadasu)" <> wrote:

>I have no idea, how to pick a location.
>Should we meet at the Cisco booth at 1pm and then take it from there?
>Any other ideas?
>On 5/9/14 3:17 PM, "Brent Eagles" <> wrote:
>>On 09/05/14 04:21 PM, Sandhya Dasu (sadasu) wrote:
>>> Thanks for all your replies.
>>> Thanks for the great inputs on how to frame the discussion in the
>>> so it becomes easier for people to get on board. We will add author
>>> to track the source of the changes. Will work on cleaning that up.
>>> Regarding the session itself, as you probably know, there was an
>>> in Icehouse to get the sr-iov work going. We found that the time
>>> for the session was not sufficient to get to all the use cases and
>>> alternate views.
>>> This time around we want to be better prepared and so would like to
>>> only a couple of open times for the actual session. Hence, the request
>>> the early meeting.
>>> How does Monday 1pm sound?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sandhya
>>That time is good with me.

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