Devananda van der Veen <> wrote on 05/29/2014 
01:26:12 PM:

> Hi Jaromir,
> I agree that the midcycle meetup with TripleO and Ironic was very 
> beneficial last cycle, but this cycle, Ironic is co-locating its 
> sprint with Nova. Our focus needs to be working with them to merge 
> the nova.virt.ironic driver. Details will be forthcoming as we work 
> out the exact details with Nova. That said, I'll try to make the 
> TripleO sprint as well -- assuming the dates don't overlap.
> Cheers,
> Devananda

> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Jaromir Coufal <> 
> Hi to all,
> after previous TripleO & Ironic mid-cycle meetup, which I believe 
> was beneficial for all, I would like to suggest that we meet again 
> in the middle of Juno cycle to discuss current progress, blockers, 
> next steps and of course get some beer all together :)
> Last time, TripleO and Ironic merged their meetings together and I 
> think it was great idea. This time I would like to invite also Heat 
> team if they want to join. Our cooperation is increasing and I think
> it would be great, if we can discuss all issues together.
> Red Hat offered to host this event, so I am very happy to invite you
> all and I would like to ask, who would come if there was a mid-cycle
> meetup in following dates and place:
> * July 28 - Aug 1
> * Red Hat office, Raleigh, North Carolina
> If you are intending to join, please, fill yourselves into this 
> Cheers
> -- Jarda

Given the organizers, I assume this will be strongly focused on TripleO 
and Ironic.
Would this be a good venue for all the mid-cycle discussion that will be 
relevant to Heat?
Is anyone planning a distinct Heat-focused mid-cycle meetup?


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