On 05/28/2014 08:54 AM, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
> Hello,
> we plan to finally do the split in this cycle, and I started some
> preparations for that. I also started to prepare a detailed plan for the
> whole operation, as it seems to be a rather big endeavor.
> You can view and amend the plan at the etherpad at:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-split-plan
> It's still a little vague, but I plan to gradually get it more detailed.
> All the points are up for discussion, if anybody has any good ideas or
> suggestions, or can help in any way, please don't hesitate to add to
> this document.
> We still don't have any dates or anything -- I suppose we will work that
> out soonish.
> Oh, and great thanks to all the people who have helped me so far with
> it, I wouldn't even dream about trying such a thing without you. Also
> thanks in advance to anybody who plans to help!
I'd like to confirm that we are all aware that this patch creates 16 new
repos under the administration of horizon-ptl and horizon-core:

If I'm late to the party and the only one that this is news to, that is
fine. Sixteen additional repos seems like a lot of additional reviews
will be needed.


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