I've received a lot of emails lately, mostly private, from people who
feel they are being left out of the Neutron process. I'm unsure if
other projects have people who feel this way, thus the uniquely worded
subject above. I wanted to broadly address these concerns with this

One thing I'd like to reiterate for people here, publicly on the list,
is that there is no hidden agendas in Neutron, no political machines
in the background working. As PTL, I've tried to be as transparent as
possible. The honest reality is that if you want to have influence in
Neutron or even in OpenStack in general, get involved upstream. Start
committing small patches. Start looking at bugs. Participate in the
weekly meetings. Build relationships upstream. Work across projects,
not just Neutron. None of this is specific to Neutron or even
OpenStack, but in fact is how you work in any upstream Open Source

I'd also like to address the "add more core reviewers to solve all
these problems" angle. While adding more core reviewers is a good
thing, we need to groom core reviewers and meld them into the team.
This takes time, and it's something we in Neutron actively work on.
The process we use is documented here [1].

I'd also like to point out that one of the things I've tried to do in
Neutron as PTL during the Juno cycle is document as much of the
process around working in Neutron. That is all documented on this wiki
page here [2]. Feedback on this is most certainly welcome.

I'm willing to help work with anyone who wants to contribute more to
Neutron. I spend about half of my time doing just this already,
between reviews, emails, and IRC conversations. So please feel free to
find me on IRC (mestery on Freenode), on the ML, or even just use this
email address.


[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronCore
[2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NeutronPolicies

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