On 09/12/2014 11:54 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
> Anita Kuno wrote:
>> My question involves third party discussions. Now I know at least
>> Neutron is going to have a chat about drivers which involves third party
>> ci accounts as a supportive aspect of that discussion, but I am
>> wondering about the framework for a discussion which I can recommend
>> attendees of the third party meetings to attend. They are shaping up to
>> be an attentive, forward thinking group and are supporting each other
>> which I was hoping for from the beginning so I am very heartened by our
>> progress. I am feeling that as a group folks have questions and concerns
>> they would appreciate the opportunity to air in a mutually constructive
>> venue.
>> What day and where would be the mutually constructive venue?
>> I held off on Joe's thread since third party ci affects 4 or 5 programs,
>> not enough to qualify in my mind as a topic that is OpenStack wide, but
>> the programs it affects are quite affected, so I do feel it is time to
>> mention it.
> I think those discussions could happen in a cross-project workshop.
> We'll run 2 or 3 of those in parallel all day Tuesday, so there is
> definitely room there.
Thank you, I will co-ordinate with the group on an etherpad and start to
prioritize items that we want to discuss.

Thanks Thierry,

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