On Sun, Nov 09, 2014 at 02:48:49PM +0000, Chris Dent wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Nov 2014, Kashyap Chamarthy wrote:
> >[I realize you intend to use physical machine for DevStack, still I
> >thought I'd post this here.]
> Thanks for posting it. Each added datapoint will get us closer.
> >FWIW, this[1] is the minimal localrc contents (be sure to edit
> That's minimal? :)

Hmm, apart from Cinder service in the said config, rest of them all
noted there are essential to get a minimal, functional DevStack --
at-least in my testing. Cinder isn't normally part of my test
environment (maybe I should add it), but I was investigating a bug in
that case, so if you don't prefer it, you can elide these:

That said, I should have defined what I consider minimal, broadly: Nova
(libvirt/KVM driver with nested virt), Neutron (OVS+GRE or VXLAN),
Keystone (with PKI), Glance.

> >Once the stack.sh is complete, I do some tasks Neutron expects:
> >
> > - Create a new private network
> > - Create a new private subnet (on the above private network)
> > - Create a router
> > - Associate the router to an existing external network by setting it
> >   as its gateway
> > - Associate the private network interface to the router
> > - Add Neutron security group rules for ICMP and SSH
> For devstack to live up to the "dev" in its name the above steps are
> something I would expect devstack to do for me, assuming I set the
> right varables and enabled the right services in local.conf.


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