Thanks, Josh, I’ll subscribe to the issue to keep up to date.

On Nov 16, 2014, at 6:58 PM, Joshua Harlow <> wrote:

> I started the following issue on kombu's github page (to see if there is any 
> interest on there side to such an effort):
> It's about seeing if the kombu folks would be ok with a 'rpc' subfolder in 
> there repository that can start to contain 'rpc' like functionality that now 
> exists in oslo.messaging (I don't see why they would be against this kind of 
> idea, since it seems to make sense IMHO).
> Let's see what happens,
> -Josh
> Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> On Nov 13, 2014, at 7:02 PM, Joshua Harlow <
>> <>> wrote:
>>> Don't forget my executor which isn't dependent on a larger set of
>>> changes for asyncio/trollious...
>>> The above will/should just 'work', although I'm unsure what thread
>>> count should be by default (the number of green threads that is set at
>>> like 200 shouldn't be the same number used in that executor which uses
>>> real python/system threads). The neat thing about that executor is
>>> that it can also replace the eventlet one, since when eventlet is
>>> monkey patching the threading module (which it should be) then it
>>> should behave just as the existing eventlet one; which IMHO is pretty
>>> cool (and could be one way to completely remove the eventlet usage in
>>> oslo.messaging).
>> Good point, thanks for reminding me.
>>> As for the kombu discussions, maybe its time to jump on the #celery
>>> channel (where the kombu folks hang out) and start talking to them
>>> about how we can work better together to move some of our features
>>> into kombu (and also depreciate/remove some of the oslo.messaging
>>> features that now are in kombu). I believe
>>> is the main guy there (and also the main
>>> maintainer of celery/kombu?). It'd be nice to have these
>>> cross-community talks and at least come up with some kind of game
>>> plan; hopefully one that benefits both communities…
>> I would like that, but won’t have time to do it myself this cycle. Maybe
>> we can find another volunteer from the team?
>> Doug
>>> -Josh
>>> <>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Doug Hellmann <
>>> <>>
>>> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
>>> <
>>> <>>
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 12, 2014 12:22 PM
>>> *Subject:* [openstack-dev] [oslo] oslo.messaging outcome from the summit
>>> The oslo.messaging session at the summit [1] resulted in some plans to
>>> evolve how oslo.messaging works, but probably not during this cycle.
>>> First, we talked about what to do about the various drivers like
>>> ZeroMQ and the new AMQP 1.0 driver. We decided that rather than moving
>>> those out of the main tree and packaging them separately, we would
>>> keep them all in the main repository to encourage the driver authors
>>> to help out with the core library (oslo.messaging is a critical
>>> component of OpenStack, and we’ve lost several of our core reviewers
>>> for the library to other priorities recently).
>>> There is a new set of contributors interested in maintaining the
>>> ZeroMQ driver, and they are going to work together to review each
>>> other’s patches. We will re-evaluate keeping ZeroMQ at the end of
>>> Kilo, based on how things go this cycle.
>>> We also talked about the fact that the new version of Kombu includes
>>> some of the features we have implemented in our own driver, like
>>> heartbeats and connection management. Kombu does not include the
>>> calling patterns (cast/call/notifications) that we have in
>>> oslo.messaging, but we may be able to remove some code from our driver
>>> and consolidate the qpid and rabbit driver code to let Kombu do more
>>> of the work for us.
>>> Python 3 support is coming slowly. There are a couple of patches up
>>> for review to provide a different sort of executor based on greenio
>>> and trollius. Adopting that would require some application-level
>>> changes to use co-routines, so it may not be an optimal solution even
>>> though it would get us off of eventlet. (During the Python 3 session
>>> later in the week we talked about the possibility of fixing eventlet’s
>>> monkey-patching to allow us to use the new eventlet under python 3.)
>>> We also talked about the way the oslo.messaging API uses URLs to get
>>> some settings and configuration options for others. I thought I
>>> remembered this being a conscious decision to pass connection-specific
>>> parameters in the URL, and “global” parameters via configuration
>>> settings. It sounds like that split may not have been implemented as
>>> cleanly as originally intended, though. We identified documenting URL
>>> parameters as an issue for removing the configuration object, as well
>>> as backwards-compatibility. I don’t think we agreed on any specific
>>> changes to the API based on this part of the discussion, but please
>>> correct me if your recollection is different.
>>> We also learned that there is a critical bug [2] related to heartbeats
>>> for RabbitMQ, and we have a few patches up to propose fixes in
>>> different ways (see the bottom of [1]). This highlighted again the
>>> fact that we have a shortage of reviewers for oslo.messaging.
>>> Doug
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
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