On 12/10/2014 04:41 PM, Michael Still wrote:

at the design summit we said that we would not approve specifications
after the kilo-1 deadline, which is 18 December. Unfortunately, we’ve
had a lot of specifications proposed this cycle (166 to my count), and
haven’t kept up with the review workload.

Therefore, I propose that Friday this week be a specs review day. We
need to burn down the queue of specs needing review, as well as
abandoning those which aren’t getting regular updates based on our
review comments.

I’d appreciate nova-specs-core doing reviews on Friday, but its always
super helpful when non-cores review as well. A +1 for a developer or
operator gives nova-specs-core a good signal of what might be ready to
approve, and that helps us optimize our review time.

For reference, the specs to review may be found at:


Thanks heaps,

It will be nice to have a good push before we hit the deadline.

I would like to remind priority owners to update their list of any outstanding specs at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-nova-priorities-tracking so they can be targeted during the review day.

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