
On 04/21/2015 04:47 AM, Flavio Percoco wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm announcing my candidacy for the Technical Comitee Elections.
> I wish I could say I've served as a TC member before but I haven't.
> However, there's always a first time for everything, isn't there? I'd
> like for Liberty to be that chance for me to be honored with a seat in
> OpenStack's Technical Comitee.
> I believe I've been part of OpenStack's community long enough to know
> how it works, the mechanisms behind it and I believe I have a good
> feeling of where it should be headed. Here are some things that I'd
> love to help achieving as part of my work as a TC member:
> # Paradise's doors have been opened but no maps of it have been drawn:
> During the last cycles, the TC members have done an amazing job on
> helping make our community more welcoming. The bar for inclusion has
> be lowered to the point where projects are welcomed to join it as long
> as they meet the minimum requirements established in our governance
> repo.
> I believe this is an amazing step for our community but we're not
> there yet. Unfortunately, opening our doors does not do the trick. In
> order to keep this openness honest, we also need to provide a better
> support for the projects that are joining our community.
> Therefore, I'd like to help moving the big tent effort forward and
> start laying down the bases that will help providing support to
> projects and guide them especially in moments where decisions like
> this[0] need to be taken.
> [0]
> # Help with clearing the path where OpenStack is headed
> For better or for worse, one of the question I've been asked more
> often, in the last couple of months, is: "Is OpenStack there yet?
> What's next?"
> OpenStack is a cloud provider and as such it should strive to cover
> enough use-cases to make cloud consumers'/providers' lives simpler.
> There's more to a cloud than just compute, storage and networking.
> There's more to cloud than just orchestration and meetering. As part
> of my role as a TC member, I'd like to help our community grow in
> other areas that might not be considered required but that are still
> important for our mission.
> # Deployments / Ops
> OpenStack has come a long way on making deployments easier but again,
> we're not there yet. With the new governance model, we won't just see
> new *aaS services joining but also new tools[0] that are meant to help
> with OpenStack's installation and maintenance.
> Along the lines of what I said in my point #2, I believe having tools
> to install OpenStack is great but there's more to an OpenStack
> deployment than just that. There's monitoring, upgrades, migrations,
> etc.
> As part of my journey as a TC member (hopefully), I'd like to help
> these projects by exploring and gathering the needs and feedback from
> our community so we can guide these amazing efforts towards the right
> solution that OpenStack needs.
> I believe OpenStack is taking giant steps towards a great success but
> we need to be careful not to skip important things in between those
> steps. I'd like to use my knowledge from my involvement in several
> areas throughout OpenStack (and outside it) to help OpenStack moving
> forward at the same - or at a better - pace.
> Thanks for your consideration,
> Flavio
> P.S: If you're thinking. "Wait, this guy is nuts. He ran for 2 PTL
> positions and he now wants to run for a TC position. Is he crazy?" One
> answer to that could be, Yes. However, just to make sure it's clear to
> everyone my current "time" situation, I'd like to share that I'm
> "just" Zaqar's PTL - Nikhil is Glance's PTL - and my current
> commitments allow me for dedicating to this position the time it
> requires.
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