
I'd like to announce my candidacy for re-election to the TC.

About Me

I am the PTL for the OpenStack Infrastructure Program, which I have
been helping to build for nearly four years.  I have also served on
the TC since the Icehouse cycle.

I am responsible for a significant portion of our project
infrastructure and developer workflow including setting up gerrit and
helping to write git-review.  All of that is to say that I've given a
lot of thought and action to helping scale OpenStack to the number of
projects and developers it has today.

I also wrote zuul, nodepool, and devstack-gate to make sure that we
are able to test that the different componensts of OpenStack work
together as a cohesive whole.  A good deal of my technical work is
focused on achieving that and ensuring that all of the projects that
make up OpenStack have the ability to test themselves in such a
complex system.

Throughout my time working on OpenStack I have always put the needs of
the whole project first, above those of any individual contributor,
organization, or program.  I also believe in the values we have
established as a project: open source, design, development, and
community.  To that end, I have worked hard to ensure that the project
infrastructure is run just like an OpenStack project, using the same
tools and processes, and I think we've succeeding in creating one of
the most open operational project infrastructures ever.

My Platform

I am very excited about the big tent.  The infrastructure team has
been involved in operating stackforge for some time, and so the big
tent idea seems like a natural progression to me.  We have a lot of
folks who are participating in our community and it is time that we
accept them in.  At the same time we can strengthen the core of our
project by acknowledging that there are a lot of components that can
be a part of OpenStack, but not all of them need to be deployed in
every installation.  And so the layered approach helps us make sense
of how a system should be constructed.

As part of the move into the big tent, all of the cross-project
efforts will need to change the way they operate to accomodate the
scale we are dealing with.  Most of that work is well underway, but
the TC itself will need to change as well.  Just as any other
horizontal effort, the TC will need to provide the tools and processes
for projects to be effective members of our community on their own.
Part of the motivation for adopting the big tent strategy is to get
the TC out of the business of doing detailed review of projects so
that it can provide technical leadership for OpenStack as a whole.

I believe we have made a great start on the work that is needed to
build the big tent.  There is still more work that needs to be done, I
would like to continue to help the TC evolve into its new role and so
I would appreciate your vote.

Thanks for your consideration,


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