Attendees (Sorry we did not catch all the names):
Cathy Zhang (Huawei), Louis Fourie, Alex Barclay (HP), Vikram Choudhary, Carlos 
Goncalves (NTT)<>, Adolfo Duarte 
German Eichberger (HP)<>, Swami Vasudevan (HP)<>, Uri  Elzur 
Joe D'Andrea (ATT)<>, 
Isaku Yamahata (Intel)<>, Malini Bhandaru<>,
Michael Johnson (HP)<>, Lynn Li (HP)<>, Mickey Spiegel (IBM)<>, Ryan Tidwell (HP)<>
Ralf Trezeciak<>, David 
Pinheiro, Hardik Italia

Cathy presented the service chain architecture and blueprints and Gerrit review 

-           Neutron Extensions for Service chaining

-          Common Neutron SFC Driver API

There is a lot of interest on this feature.


Uri: Does this BP specify the implementation in the backend data path? Cathy: 
This could be implemented by various data path chaining schemes: eg. IETF 
service chain header, VLAN.

Uri: What happens if the security group/iptables conflict with SGs for 
port-chain? Cathy: it is expected that conflicts will be resolved by the upper 
layer "Intent Infra".

Vikram: can other datapath transports be used. Cathy: Yes, what is defined in 
the BP is the NBI for Neutron.

Swami: add use case and example. Cathy: will add. There is a SFC use case BP, 
will contact authors.

Carlos: how does this relate to older traffic steering BP. Cathy: we can 
discuss offline and work together to incorporate the traffic steering BP idea 
into this BP.

Uri: are these two BPs for NBI and SBI for Neutron? Cathy: yes

Isaku: does Kyle know about BPs? Cathy: yes

Uri: how do these BPs relate to rest of Openstack? Cathy: There will be a 
presentation on the service chain framework at 2pm May 18 at the Vancouver 
Summit. It will be presented by Cathy together with Kyle Mestery and Dave 

Swami:  It helps to present a simple service chain use case at meeting next 
week. Suggest to have IRC meeting too as it provides a record of what is 
discussed. Cathy: I have already created the IRC meeting for service chain 
project, will start the IRC meeting too.

Malini: we should have a complete spec so redesign is avoided.

Swami: We should use Neutron design session at Vancouver to discuss this BP and 
flesh out details.
Action Items

1.     We will have two meetings next week: one "goto" meeting with audio and 
data sharing, the other IRC meeting with link to google doc for sharing 
diagrams. Cathy will send out the meeting info to the community

2.     Swami will send an email to Kyle Mestery requesting a time slot for 
service chaining topic in Neutron design session so that we can get all 
interested parties in one room for a good face-to-face discussion.

3.     Cathy will discuss with Carlos offline about incorporating the traffic 
steering idea into the service chain BPs.

4.     Service chaining is a complicated solution involving management plane, 
control plane, and data plane as well as multiple components. The consensus is 
to first design/implement the two Neutron related service chain BPs and get the feature approved by Neutron 
Core/Driver team and implemented for the OpenStack L release. If we can not get 
a slot in the design session, we will meet at the service chain presentation on 
May 18 and find a room to discuss how to move forward with this feature 
development in OpenStack.

Feel free to chime in if I miss any points.


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