Couple more dumb comments here - sorry that I'm processing this thread backwards!

On 16/06/15 15:20, Jay Pipes wrote:
Adding -dev because of the reference to the Neutron "Get me a network
spec". Also adding [nova] and [neutron] subject markers.

Comments inline, Kris.

On 05/22/2015 09:28 PM, Kris G. Lindgren wrote:
During the Openstack summit this week I got to talk to a number of other
operators of large Openstack deployments about how they do networking.
  I was happy, surprised even, to find that a number of us are using a
similar type of networking strategy.  That we have similar challenges
around networking and are solving it in our own but very similar way.
  It is always nice to see that other people are doing the same things
as you or see the same issues as you are and that "you are not crazy".
So in that vein, I wanted to reach out to the rest of the Ops Community
and ask one pretty simple question.

Would it be accurate to say that most of your end users want almost
nothing to do with the network?

That was my experience at AT&T, yes. The vast majority of end users
could not care less about networking, as long as the connectivity was
reliable, performed well, and they could connect to the Internet (and
have others connect from the Internet to their VMs) when needed.

In my experience what the majority of them (both internal and external)
want is to consume from Openstack a compute resource, a property of
which is it that resource has an IP address.  They, at most, care about
which "network" they are on.  Where a "network" is usually an arbitrary
definition around a set of real networks, that are constrained to a
location, in which the company has attached some sort of policy.  For
example, I want to be in the production network vs's the xyz lab
network, vs's the backup network, vs's the corp network.  I would say
for Godaddy, 99% of our use cases would be defined as: I want a compute
resource in the production network zone, or I want a compute resource in
this other network zone.

Kris - this looks like the answer to my question why you define multiple networks. If that's right, no need to answer that question there.

 The end user only cares that the IP the vm
receives works in that zone, outside of that they don't care any other
property of that IP.  They do not care what subnet it is in, what vlan
it is on, what switch it is attached to, what router its attached to, or
how data flows in/out of that network.  It just needs to work.

Agreed. I'm not a deployer, but my team is in contact with many deployers who say similar things.


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