On 6/17/15, 10:59 AM, "Neil Jerram" <neil.jer...@metaswitch.com> wrote:

>On 17/06/15 16:17, Kris G. Lindgren wrote:
>> See inline.
>> ____________________________________________
>> Kris Lindgren
>> Senior Linux Systems Engineer
>> GoDaddy, LLC.
>> On 6/17/15, 5:12 AM, "Neil Jerram" <neil.jer...@metaswitch.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Kris,
>>> Apologies in advance for questions that are probably really dumb - but
>>> there are several points here that I don't understand.
>>> On 17/06/15 03:44, Kris G. Lindgren wrote:
>>>> We are doing pretty much the same thing - but in a slightly different
>>>> way.
>>>>    We extended the nova scheduler to help choose networks (IE. don't
>>>> vm's on a network/host that doesn't have any available IP address).
>>> Why would a particular network/host not have any available IP address?
>>   If a created network has 1024 ip's on it (/22) and we provision 1020
>>   anything deployed after that will not have an additional ip address
>> because
>>   the network doesn't have any available ip addresses (loose some ip's
>>   the network).
>OK, thanks, that certainly explains the "particular network" possibility.
>So I guess this applies where your preference would be for network A,
>but it would be OK to fall back to network B, and so on.  That sounds
>like it could be a useful general enhancement.
>(But, if a new VM absolutely _has_ to be on, say, the 'production'
>network, and the 'production' network is already fully used, you're
>fundamentally stuck, aren't you?)

Yes - this would be a scheduling failure - and I am ok with that.  It does
no good to have a vm on a network that doesn't work.

>What about the "/host" part?  Is it possible in your system for a
>network to have IP addresses available, but for them not to be usable on
>a particular host?

Yes this is also a possibility.  That the network allocated to a set of
hosts has IP's available but no compute capacity to spin up vms on it.
Again - I am ok with this.

>>>> Then,
>>>> we add into the host-aggregate that each HV is attached to a network
>>>> metadata item which maps to the names of the neutron networks that
>>>> supports.  This basically creates the mapping of which host supports
>>>> what
>>>> networks, so we can correctly filter hosts out during scheduling. We
>>>> allow people to choose a network if they wish and we do have the
>>>> end-point exposed. However, by default if they do not supply a boot
>>>> command with a network, we will filter the networks down and choose
>>>> for them.  That way they never hit [1].  This also works well for us,
>>>> because the default UI that we provide our end-users is not horizon.
>>> Why do you define multiple networks - as opposed to just one - and why
>>> would one of your users want to choose a particular one of those?
>>> (Do you mean multiple as in public-1, public-2, ...; or multiple as in
>>> public, service, ...?)
>>   This is answered in the other email and original email as well.  But
>> basically
>>   we have multiple L2 segments that only exists on certain switches and
>> thus are
>>   only tied to certain hosts.  With the way neutron is currently
>> we
>>   need to create a network for each L2. So that¹s why we define multiple
>> networks.
>Thanks!  Ok, just to check that I really understand this:
>- You have real L2 segments connecting some of your compute hosts
>together - and also I guess to a ToR that does L3 to the rest of the
>data center.


>- You presumably then just bridge all the TAP interfaces, on each host,
>to the host's outwards-facing interface.
>                        +---- VM
>                        |
>        +----- Host ----+---- VM
>        |               |
>        |               +---- VM
>        |
>        |               +---- VM
>        |               |
>        +----- Host ----+---- VM
>        |               |
>ToR ---+               +---- VM
>        |
>        |               +---- VM
>        |               |
>        |----- Host ----+---- VM
>                        |
>                        +---- VM

Also correct, we are using flat "provider" networks (shared=true) -
however provider vlan networks would work as well.

>- You specify each such setup as a network in the Neutron API - and
>hence you have multiple similar networks, for your data center as a whole.
>Out of interest, do you do this just because it's the Right Thing
>according to the current Neutron API - i.e. because a Neutron network is
>L2 - or also because it's needed in order to get the Neutron
>implementation components that you use to work correctly?  For example,
>so that you have a DHCP agent for each L2 network (if you use the
>Neutron DHCP agent).

Somewhat both.  It was a how do I get neutron to handle this without
making drastic changes to the base level neutron concepts.  We currently
do have dhcp-agents and nova-metadata agent running in each L2 and we
specifically assign them to hosts in that L2 space.  We are currently
working on ways to remove this requirement.

>>   For our end users - they only care about getting a vm with a single ip
>> address
>>   in a "network" which is really a zone like "prod" or "dev" or "test".
>> They stop
>>   caring after that point.  So in the scheduler filter that we created
>> do
>>   exactly that.  We will filter down from all the hosts and networks
>> to a
>>   combo that intersects at a host that has space, with a network that
>> space,
>>   And the network that was chosen is actually available to that host.
>Thanks, makes perfect sense now.
>So I think there are two possible representations, overall, of what you
>are looking for.
>1. A 'network group' of similar L2 networks.  When a VM is launched,
>tenant specifies the network group instead of a particular L2 network,
>and Nova/Neutron select a host and network with available compute power
>and IP addressing.  This sounds like what you've described above.

Correct - except for us we are currently handling the 'network group'
using availability zones.  I would also like to hide from non-superusers
the underling network architecture.  Though I would love to handle this in
native neutron.  Where most end users are only presented with the "network
group" that they can choose.

I should add that we only need this for the fixed_ip of the vm.  We
modified floating_ips in neutron to do route injections into the network
and we route the floating_ip's to the fixed ip.
This gives us the IP mobility through the entire L3 network and possibly
into other L3 networks if needed.  We also modified neutron to allow us to
route more than one floating to a vm.
This also allows us to bypass doing nat for floating_ips - since the ip's
goes straight to the vm and are bound locally inside the vm.

>2. A new kind of network whose ports are partitioned into various L2
>segments.  This is like what I've described at [1].
>I would prefer (2) over (1), because I'm interested in a fully routed
>form of connectivity, and if that was expressed in model (1) it would
>need a network definition for every VM.
>Also, with (1) I guess individual IP ranges (or subnet pools?) would
>need defining for each network, whereas with (2) there would naturally
>be a single IP range or subnet pool definition for the whole network.
>Although you have currently modified the Nova scheduler for an approach
>like (1), do you think (2) would work in principle for you as well?

We (I should say our network architects) talked about having the VM's IP's
be routed all the way down to the hypervisor.  Where the only IP's that
would be configured in the L2 domain is the IP's of the hypervisors.  Any
VM that gets deployed on a HV would be routed in the network to the HV IP.
 We settled on this hybrid approach for now.  I don’t have the exact
specifics - but I believe the issue was going to be too many /32 routes
injected into the network.  Where the current way the fixed_ip of the vm's
are all handled by a single large route.

>Many thanks,
>       Neil

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