On Sep 11, 2015, at 12:45 PM, Shamail Tahir <itzsham...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:26 PM, Joshua Harlow <harlo...@outlook.com 
> <mailto:harlo...@outlook.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was reading over the TC IRC logs for this week (my weekly reading) and I 
> just wanted to let my thoughts and comments be known on:
> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-09-08-20.01.log.html#l-309
> <http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc/2015/tc.2015-09-08-20.01.log.html#l-309>
> I feel it's very important to send a positive note for new/upcoming projects 
> and libraries... (and for everyone to remember that most projects do start 
> off with a small set of backers). So I just wanted to try to ensure that we 
> send a positive note with any tag like this that gets created and applied and 
> that we all (especially the TC) really really considers the negative 
> connotations of applying that tag to a project (it may effectively ~kill~ 
> that project).
> I would really appreciate that instead of just applying this tag (or other 
> similarly named tag to projects) that instead the TC try to actually help out 
> projects with those potential tags in the first place (say perhaps by 
> actively listing projects that may need more contributors from a variety of 
> companies on the openstack blog under say a 'HELP WANTED' page or something). 
> I'd much rather have that vs. any said tags, because the latter actually 
> tries to help projects, vs just stamping them with a 'you are bad, figure out 
> how to fix yourself, because you are not diverse' tag.
> I believe it is the TC job (in part) to help make the community better, and 
> not via tags like this that IMHO actually make it worse; I really hope that 
> folks on the TC can look back at their own projects they may have created and 
> ask how would their own project have turned out if they were stamped with a 
> similar tag…

First, strongly agree:

Tags should be positive attributes or encouragement, not negative or 
discouraging. I think they should also be as objectively true as possible. 
Which Monty Taylor said later[1] in the discussion and Jay Pipes reiterated[2].

> I agree with Josh and, furthermore, maybe a similar "warning" could be 
> implicitly made by helping the community understand why the 
> "diverse-affiliation" tag matters.  If we (through education on tags in 
> general) stated that the reason diverse-affiliation matters, amongst other 
> things, is because it shows that the project can potentially survive a single 
> contributor changing their involvement then wouldn't that achieve the same 
> purpose of showing stability/mindshare/collaboration for projects with 
> diverse-affiliation tag (versus those that don't have it) and make them more 
> "preferred" in a sense?

I think I agree with others, most notably Doug Hellman[3] in the TC discussion; 
we need a marker of the other end of the spectrum. The absence of information 
is only significant if you know what’s missing and it’s importance.

Separately, I agree that more education around tags and their importance is 

I understand the concern is that we want to highlight the need for diversity, 
and I believe that instead of “danger-not-diverse” we’d be better served by 
“increase-diversity” or “needs-diversity” as the other end of the spectrum from 
“diverse-affiliation.” And I’ll go rant on the review now[4]. =]


[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/218725/ 

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