> On 16 Oct 2015, at 13:02, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Le 15/10/2015 17:54, Joshua Harlow a écrit :
>> I had this problem with deprecation versioning (the debtcollector
>> library functions take a version="XYZ", removal_version="ABC" params,
>> see
>> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/debtcollector/examples.html#further-customizing-the-emitted-messages)
>> and it is pretty hard to get those two numbers right, especially with
>> weekly releases and not knowing when a review will merge... I'm not
>> saying we shouldn't try to do this, but we just have to figure out how
>> to do it in a smart way.
> I hope that we will not release *too* frequently. Oslo libraries are supposed 
> to be somehow "stable" :-) Past history showed that any minor change has 
> major impact on the OpenStack CI ;-)

Once we have all major gate jobs using constraints file from 
openstack/requirements, we should not affect CI and hence development pace. I 
think neutron gate is quite close to that goal (we already have -constraints 
jobs for pep8/doc/py* jobs), and I believe other projects should follow the 

Once we are there, no oslo release should break the world. That of course does 
not mean we can release breaking changes, but it should make mistakes less 


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