On 29/10/15 06:12, Gabe Black wrote:
Using my own template or the example template:

results in the VM's /var/lib/cloud/instance/script/userdata being empty.

The only warnings during the cloud-init boot sequence are:
[   14.470601] cloud-init[775]: 2015-10-28 17:48:15,104 - util.py[WARNING]: 
Failed running /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/userdata [-]
[   15.051625] cloud-init[775]: 2015-10-28 17:48:15,685 - 
cc_scripts_user.py[WARNING]: Failed to run module scripts-user (scripts in 
[   15.057189] cloud-init[775]: 2015-10-28 17:48:15,690 - util.py[WARNING]: Running 
module scripts-user (<module 'cloudinit.config.cc_scripts_user' from 
'/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_scripts_user.pyc'>) failed

I believe those warnings are simply because the userdata file is empty

I googled and searched and couldn't find why it wasn't working for me.

The nova.api logs show the transfer of the files, no problem there.  It is 
really sending empty userdata and it thinks it should be doing that.

To verify I added some debug prints in 
heat/engine/resources/openstack/nova/server.py:612 in handle_create() method.  
Below is the first part of the method for reference:

     def handle_create(self):
         security_groups = self.properties.get(self.SECURITY_GROUPS)

         user_data_format = self.properties.get(self.USER_DATA_FORMAT)
         ud_content = self.properties.get(self.USER_DATA)  #<---

         if self.user_data_software_config() or self.user_data_raw(): #<---
             if uuidutils.is_uuid_like(ud_content):
                 # attempt to load the userdata from software config
                 ud_content = self.get_software_config(ud_content) #<--- ....

I added some debug log prints after the #<--- above to see what it was getting 
for user_data, and it turns out it is empty (e.g. I don't even see the third debug 
print I put in).  Spending more time looking through the code it appears to me 
that the self.properties.get(self.USER_DATA) should be returning the uuid for the 
software config resource associated with the deployment, but I could be wrong.  
Either way, it is empty which I think is not right.

Does anyone have an idea what I might be doing wrong?  I've been struggling for 
the past couple of days on this one!  Or is deployment just not stable in Kilo? 
 Documentation seems to indicate it has been supported even before Kilo.

Thanks in advance!

Hi Gabe

It is expected that userdata is empty, because the server resources do not specify any script in their user_data properties.

There is other data in the initial cloud-init package which bootstraps polling for deployment data. The actual deployment data comes from requests to the heat metadata API, not in cloud-init userdata.

An appropriately built custom image will configure /etc/os-collect-config.conf on boot so that it can start polling for deployment data from heat.

Please take a look at the documentation for this:


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