Clint Byrum wrote:
Excerpts from Chris Dent's message of 2015-11-05 00:08:16 -0800:
On Thu, 5 Nov 2015, Robert Collins wrote:

In the session we were told that zookeeper is already used in CI jobs
for ceilometer (was this wrong?) and thats why we figured it made a
sane default for devstack.
For clarity: What ceilometer (actually gnocchi) is doing is using tooz
in CI (gate-ceilometer-dsvm-integration). And for now it is using
redis as that was "simple".

Outside of CI it is possible to deploy ceilo, aodh and gnocchi to use
tooz for coordinating group partitioning in active-active HA setups
and shared locks. Again the standard deploy for that has been to use
redis because of availability. It's fairly understood that zookeeper
would be more correct but there are packaging concerns.

Redis jettisons all consistency on partitions... It's really ugly:

     These results are catastrophic. In a partition which lasted for
     roughly 45% of the test, 45% of acknowledged writes were thrown
     away. To add insult to injury, Redis preserved all the failed writes
     in place of the successful ones.

So... yeah. I actually think it is dangerous to have Redis in tooz at
all. One partition and you have split brains, locks granted to multiple
places, and basically the pure chaos that you were trying to prevent by
using a lock in the first place. If you're using redis, the only sane
thing to do is to shut everything down when there's a partition (which
is not easy to detect!).

This is where it gets weird, redis, imho, is alot like openstack, alot of ways to tweak it, alot of operational modes and a few clustering/failover modes.

The one that that I think the above mentions is sentinel:

But from my understanding the following is being created/evolving to make this better (to some degree):

Overall maybe we should deprecate the redis driver, and come back to it when clustering has been more proven out (afaik redis clustering is fairly new); that might be acceptable imho, if we as a community are willing to do this.

To contrast this with Zookeeper and Consul:

Even though etcd and consul ended up suffering from stale reads, they
added pieces to their API that allow fully consistent reads (presumably
suffering a performance penalty when doing so).

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