At Tue, 12 Jan 2016 17:28:19 -0600,
Doug Wiegley wrote:
> I don’t think it ninja merged. It had plenty of reviews, and was open during 
> international hours. I don’t have any issue there.
> I don’t like the crazy early meeting, so I set out to prove it didn’t matter:
> Average attendance before rotating: 20.7 people
> Average attendance on Monday afternoons (U.S. time): 20.9
> Average attendance on Tuesday morning (U.S. time): 23.7
> Stupid data, that’s not what I wanted to see.
> I haven’t yet correlated people to which meeting time yet, but attendance was 
> slightly up during the crazy early hated time, across the 1.25 years it was 
> running (started 9/9/14). This is just people saying something; lurkers can 
> just read the logs.
> Data is from eavesdrop meeting logs, if anyone else wants to crunch it.

Overall attendance isn't a great metric.  Actually, the population
does differ with meeting times.  Those who mostly attend only in one
of the two timeslots are:

$ python
Sukhdev 6/23 17/22
ajo 22/23 4/22
obondarev 10/23 0/22
vikram 7/23 0/22
kevinbenton 9/23 22/22
ihrachyshka 13/23 1/22
Swami 0/23 8/22
(Legend: <irc nick> <attendance at 14UTC> <attendance at 21UTC>)

The script is at bottom just in case if anyone cares. ;)

> Thanks,
> doug
> > On Jan 12, 2016, at 4:32 PM, Tony Breeds <> wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 01:27:30PM +0100, Ihar Hrachyshka wrote:
> >> Agreed with Gary on behalf of my European compatriots. (Note that I
> >> *personally* +1’d the patch because I don’t mind, doing late hours anyway;
> >> but it’s sad it was ninja merged without giving any chance for those from
> >> affected timezones to express their concerns).
> > 
> > So Ninja merged has a negative connotation that I refute.
> > 
> > I merged it.  It was judgment error, and I apologise for that.
> > 
> > * I found and read through the list thread.
> > * Saw only +1's yours included
> >    - known you'd be affected I used your +1 as a barometer
> > 
> > My mistake was not noticing your request to leave the review open for 
> > longer.
> > 
> > I also noted in my review that reverting it is pretty low cost to back it 
> > out
> > if needed.
> > 
> > I understand that the 'root cause' for this change was the yaml2ical issue 
> > that
> > stemmed from having 2 odd week in a row.  We've fixed that [1]. I'm also
> > working a a more human concept of biweekly meeting in yaml2ical.
> > 
> > Tony
> > [1] the next time it could have been a problem is 2020/2021 ;P

import os
import re

from scipy.stats import binom_test

# Run the following before executing this:
# $ wget
# $ for f in `sed -n  '/[^g].txt"/ s/.*href=.\([^"]*\)*".*/\1/p' index.html ` ; 
do wget$f; done

fname_re = re.compile('-(\d\d)\.\d\d\.txt$')
person_re = re.compile('^\* (.*[^_])_* \(\d+\)$')

count = {}
freq = {}
for f in os.listdir('.'):
    m =
    if not m:
    hour =
    if hour not in freq:
        freq[hour] = {}
        count[hour] = 0
    count[hour] += 1
    f1 = freq[hour]
    with open(f) as ff:
        while True:
            l = ff.readline()
            if l.startswith('People present'):
                ll =
            if not l:
                raise Exception("Error reading %s" % f)
        for l in ll:
            m = person_re.match(l)
            if m:
                name =
                f1[name] = f1.get(name, 0) + 1

assert set(freq.keys()) == set(['14', '21'])
people = set(freq['14'].keys()) | set(freq['21'].keys())
total = count['14'] + count['21']
c14 = count['14']
c21 = count['21']

sig_lvl = .05
for n in people:
    f14 = freq['14'].get(n, 0)
    f21 = freq['21'].get(n, 0)
    p = float(f14 + f21) / total
    if binom_test(f14, c14, p) < sig_lvl or binom_test(f21, c21, p) < sig_lvl:
        print("%s %d/%d %d/%d" % (n, f14, c14, f21, c21))

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