On 2016-01-28 19:40:20 +0000 (+0000), Dave Walker wrote:
> However, pip 8 was released around the same time as the tarballs were
> attempted to be generated.  Most of the projects are OK with this, but
> ceilometer declares pbr!=0.7,<1.0,>=0.6 and then forces an update via
> tox.

More to the point, the latest pbr matching that requirement (0.11.1)
declares an unversioned dependency on pip in its requirements.txt,
so ceilometer 2015.1.2's tox.ini is effectively forcing pip to
upgrade itself to latest (8.x) release which no longer supports a
command line option the tox.ini is also configured to add
(--download-cache), making the sdist unbuildable via tox at that
tagged point in the ceilometer repository.
Jeremy Stanley

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