yeah... the revert broke us across all telemetry projects since we fixed 
plugins to adapt to v3. i'm very much for adapting to v3 since it's lingered 
around for years. i think given the time lapsed, if it breaks them, tough. the 
only issue i had with original patch was it merged on a Friday with no mention.

On 01/02/2016 9:48 PM, Steve Martinelli wrote:

Thanks for bringing this up Sean.

I went ahead and documented all the way the projects/gates/clients broke in an 
etherpad: <>

These are all the projects that I know that were affected, if someone knows 
others, please add your findings.

Sean, you can count me in on the volunteering effort to get this straightened 


Sean Dague <><> wrote on 2016/02/01 12:21:50 

> From: Sean Dague <><>
> To: openstack-dev 
> <><>
> Date: 2016/02/01 12:23 PM
> Subject: [openstack-dev] [all] towards a keystone v3 only devstack
> On Friday last week I hit the go button on a keystone v3 default patch
> change in devstack. While that made it through tests for all the tightly
> integrated projects, we really should have stacked up some other spot
> tests to see how this was going to impact the rest of the ecosystem.
> Novaclient, shade, osc, and a bunch of other things started faceplanting.
> The revert is here - - and will
> move it's way through the gate once the tests complete.
> Going forward I think we need a more concrete plan on this transition.
> I'm going to be -2 on any v3 related keystone changes in devstack until
> we do, as it feels like we need to revert one of these patches about
> every month for the last 6.
> I don't really care what format the plan takes, ML thread, wiki page,
> spec. But we need one, and an owner (probably on the keystone side) to
> walk us through how this transition goes. This is going to include some
> point in the future where:
> 1. devstack configures v3 and v2 always, and devstack issues a warning
> if v2 is enabled
> 2. devstack configures v3 only, v2 can be enabled and v2 enabled is a
> warning
> 3. devstack removes v2 support
> The transition to stage 2 and stage 3 requires using Depends-On to stack
> up some wider collection of tests to demonstrate that this works on
> novaclient, heat, shade, osc, and anything that comes forward as being
> broken by this last round. It's fine if we give people hard deadlines
> that they need to get their jobs sorted, but like the removal of
> extras.d, we need to be explicit about it.
> So, first off, we need a volunteer to step up to pull together this
> plan. Any volunteers here?
>    -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
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