Greetings OpenStack community,

No new guidelines have been merged or proposed for freeze this week, but we have cleaned up some of the language in the guideline pages and have had some productive discussions initiated by the Glance team about changes they are working towards.

# Recently merged guidelines

No new guidelines in the last two weeks but the following fixes were merged:

* Get rid of the DRAFT warning at the top of guidelines
* Remove "Conveying error/fault information" section

# API guidelines proposed for freeze

The following guidelines are available for broader review by interested parties. These will be merged in one week if there is no further feedback.

None this week

# Guidelines currently under review

These are guidelines that the working group are debating and working on for consistency and language. We encourage any interested parties to join in the conversation.

* Add the beginning of a set of guidlines for URIs
* Add description of pagination parameters

Note that some of these guidelines were introduced quite a long time ago and need to either be refreshed by their original authors, or adopted by new interested parties. If you're the author of one of these older reviews, please come back to it or we'll have to mark it abandoned.

# API Impact reviews currently open

Reviews marked as APIImpact [1] are meant to help inform the working group about changes which would benefit from wider inspection by group members and liaisons. While the working group will attempt to address these reviews whenever possible, it is highly recommended that interested parties attend the API-WG meetings [2] to promote communication surrounding their reviews.

To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API Working Group [3].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!


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